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Don’t Watch These Movies Unless You Want To Sob Uncontrollably

Don’t Watch These Movies Unless You Want To Sob Uncontrollably

The movies that I rate the highest on a scale of 1-10 seem to be the ones that are sad and have me sobbing at the end. No not a single tear rolling down, like hysterically crying to the point where I am gasping for air. It’s embarrassing, but I am a rather emotional person. I read in a college class once that happy endings were founded by early American filmmakers. I guess this was to keep the audiences happy and wanting more. The happy American dream I suppose. But foreign films, in my opinion, offered much more depth, they weren’t required a happy ending. And there’s a sort of satisfaction gained from a realistic depiction where not everything can turn out the way you wanted it to. Sad movies aren’t the only ones on my radar, I will watch just about anything. Still though, the sad ones are always the best in my book. If you’re like me, and I would assume you are, partly at least, since you’re reading this, then you, too, appreciate a movie that moves you emotionally. It’s kind of amazing how movies are able to completely draw you into the world that is created, and if it moves you to the point of crying then the movie makers won. So without further ado, here is my list of movies that you shouldn’t watch unless you want to sob uncontrollably.

Train To Busan

This one had me in a puddle. I had no clue what I was getting myself into before watching this Korean film. And please, if you do watch this one, watch this in the Korean version with English captions, trust me. The dubbed version is terrible. One line in and I couldn’t, nope. With the excitement and action happening, you won’t even realize you were reading and watching at the same time.

Train To Busan is a two hour, horror and action film about a man and his daughter who become trapped on a speeding train to Busan during a zombie outbreak in South Korea. The man finally agrees to take his daughter on her birthday to see her mother who lives in Busan. Once aboard the train, an infected person comes on and collapses in the bathroom. The train attendant sees and rushes to aid her, unaware that she was in danger of also becoming infected. The attendant becomes infected, who then infects another person, and then another. And so on until the entire car is infected and are raging zombies looking for more blood. People continue to push forward into the next train car, closing the door behind them. The man and his daughter are part of a group who look after each other, because of the daughter’s kindness not the father’s every man for himself attitude. This film will have you anxiously sitting on the edge of your seat, hoping someone will make it out alive. It’s an intense, thrilling film, that had me balling at the end. It’s a movie about love, growth, sacrifice, and betrayal.
This is a movie that will draw you in from the start, no doubt about that.


I highly recommend this one for those who love an a thrilling adventure, but also aren’t afraid to shed tears from a movie. You can watch Train To Busan on Amazon Prime.

Little Woman

Don’t laugh, this one has me SAD multiple times throughout the movie when I already know what’s going to happen from reading the book and watching the older versions of this movie adaptation.
Yeah yeah, they keep remaking movies, and I get it, what’s the point? But this is the an exception that I will continue to defend. Little Women is a classic that continues to be read by newer generations. It makes sense that a new version made for this generation. So when the 2019 version came out with Timothee Chalamet, Florence Pugh, Saiorse Ronan, Emma Watson, Eliza Scanlen, Laura Dern, and Meryl Streep, I had to go see it. This new version cuts back in forth in time to tell the timeless story of four sisters Jo, Amy, Meg, and Beth.

If you’re looking for a cozy movie to sit down and watch, give this one a shot whether you’ve seen it already or not. You already know what to expect, but the storytelling is so good you’ll feel for it just as much as you did reading the book for the first time.


Pro Tip: Have tissues nearby before starting the movie.

Avengers: Endgame

I can’t tell you how hard I was crying at the end of this movie. It was the end of an era, especially for those growing up having watched all of the Marvel movies, starting with Iron Man and ending with Avengers: Endgame. Marvel continues to be a global phenomenon and the amount of fans eager to see how it all plays out with this movie was insane. Watching it in theaters, it was packed, the audience clapped, laughed, cried, and applauded together as if they were involved in the making of the movie themselves. It was a wholesome moment to be in a room full of people who loved the story that Marvel had told over the past ten years.


This three hour, much anticipated movie picks off where the previous Avengers movie – Avengers: Infinity War – left off. Half of the population is blipped away, including half of the superheroes, when Thanos obtains all of the Infinity stones and snaps his finger. The remaining Avengers and other superheroes must figure out a way to bring them all back and stop Thanos from doing it again.

I’ve rewatched it only once and I can’t handle it again. I’ve grown an attachment to these characters and I can’t go through that loss again.

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Good luck y’all; you really shouldn’t watch it unless you want to sob uncontrollably.

A Star Is Born (2018)

There really is no genre I’m sticking to with this list, these are just moves I put into a mental box titled “Don’t Watch These Movies Unless You Want To Sob Uncontrollably”.


I haven’t seen the previous versions of A Star Is Born, and I didn’t know, once again, what I was getting myself into. For those who haven’t seen or heard of this movie, it stars Bradley Cooper as musician Jackson Maine who meets and falls in love with struggling singer Ally, played by Lady Gaga. As Ally’s career takes off, their relationship becomes rocky, especially as Jackson deals with his own personal issues.When I saw this movie, I was sobbing in the theater. I had to run to the restroom to cry in a stall and try to contain myself enough to walk out to the car. It’s not just me, I heard everyone sniffling in the movie theater. So please, only watch this if you’re stable enough to handle a very sad ending.

There are a number of more movies that I would include on this list. But for now, these are the ones I would say had me crying the most, so really don’t watch these movies unless you want to sob uncontrollably.