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Does Pedialyte work For Hangovers? Here’s What To Know

Does Pedialyte work For Hangovers? Here’s What To Know

Have a hangover? Replace those electrolytes! But, let's talk about why you get hungover. Yes, you probably should not have had that last vodka soda, but what is really going on in your body? Does Pedialyte work for hangovers? Here's what you should know.

You’ve heard it, I’ve heard it if you’re planning on a big night out you need to have Pedialyte or Gatorade in your fridge for the next morning. Replace those electrolytes! Let’s first talk about why you get hungover. Yes, you probably should not have had that last vodka soda, but what is really going on in your body? Does Pedialyte work for hangovers?

Why do you get hungover?

Once your BAC starts to fall, hangover symptoms set in. You have a headache, dry mouth, you may feel nauseous, you may even utter the phrase “I think I’m dying.”


First, you’re severely dehydrated. Alcohol is a diuretic which means that it helps your body get rid of fluids. Sure, you can chug a glass of water for every drink you have at the bar, but realistically you are going to forget to do this.


Lack of sleep.

Another sure-fire bet is that you’re exhausted. Not only did you probably fall asleep around 3 am after eating half of a pizza, but alcohol also disrupts your sleep patterns.  Aside from dehydration and exhaustion, alcohol irritates your stomach, lowers blood sugar, and is a depressant. Fun, right?!

So, let’s say that you disregarded every piece of advice you’ve ever gotten about drinking smart. You wake up in the morning and you’re horrifically hungover. Does Pedialyte work for hangovers, or is it a myth?

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Well, Pedialyte does not claim to be a “hangover cure,” but they do say on their website that it can, “…help with the dehydration you may experience after a couple of cocktails.” And, since I know that you’ve been paying attention, you know this is a huge factor in why you’re hungover. Their campaign is for adults to “See the lyte” after drinking a few too many. So does Pedialyte work for hangovers and is it really better than Gatorade or even good old-fashioned water? The short answer is yes because it has twice the sodium and five times as much potassium as the same serving sizes in Gatorade.  The sodium is important because it helps your kidneys retain water. Potassium is important in not only balancing body fluids but also maintaining blood pressure levels with half the calories and sugar of Gatorade.

It is not a “cure.”

Unfortunately, Pedialyte cannot help with disrupted sleep or digestion issues that are caused by alcohol consumption. Therefore, it is not a hangover “cure.” There is nothing aside from time that will completely cure your hangover. However, it is good to have on hand for re-hydration purposes, and you can take precautions to soften the blow. Drink less, incorporate water throughout the night, eat a good meal beforehand, stay away from darker liquors etc.

What do you think? Does Pedialyte work for hangovers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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