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DIY T-Shirt Doormat

DIY T-Shirt Doormat

When you're in college you'll probably have a lot of different people coming in and out of your room. Give this DIY t-shirt doormat tutorial a try!

When you’re in college you’ll probably have a lot of different people coming in and out of your room. Having a doormat for people to wipe their shoes on before they come in will definitely help to avoid letting a lot of dirt into your room, but it’s hard to find ones that will look cute and match your room. So why not make your own? Try this DIY t-shirt doormat tutorial out using your old shirts!


  • Flat doormat
  • 5-8 old t-shirts
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue and hot glue gun

1. Starting from the bottom hem, cut your t-shirts into 2 inch strips

2.  Then cut each one of these strips into 4-5 inch pieces


3. Tie a knot in the middle of each section

4. Put a strip of hot glue on one side of the doormat.

5. Place the knot in the glue until you’ve hit the end of the glue strip.


6. Add to the strip of glue, staying in a straight line, and place more knots, with 1/4 inch in between.

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7. Once you reach the end of the doormat, start another row 1 inch down and repeat the same process until the doormat is covered.

If you’re using different color t-shirts, try to place them randomly so you DIY t-shirt doormat is not as boring as if you did all one color in a row, than another, etc.

And now you have a cute doormat to place behind your door!

Did you give this DIY t-shirt doormat tutorial a go? Tell us down below how it went!
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