Is your back yard bland and uninviting? Does it need just a bit more character? Spruce it up with one of these DIY ponds! Big or small, they will help your yard go from standard to stellar. These DIY ponds will create the most relaxing and beautiful outdoor space.
1. The Storage Tote Pond
Who would have thought that a storage tote could be used for more than just storage! Dig a hole big enough to set the tote inside and fill around the sides. Place rocks along the bottom and fill. Depending on how deep it is, you could even add a fountain sprayer or bubbler. Surround the top with paving stones or some wood planks and a plant or two for an adorable mini pond! These DIY ponds will create the most relaxing and beautiful outdoor space.
(Read the full tutorial via The Garden Glove)
2. The Stock Tank Pond
Stock tanks aren’t just for livestock and this DIY pond confirms it! Find a farm supply store near you or another source that will ship. Clear a space that is a few feet larger than your chosen size of tank. Level and pave the space with decomposed granite. Place the tank, fill it, and treat it! Add some oxygenating plants to the bottom or add surface plants by stacking bricks. Cement blocks also work well and provide an excellent hiding place if you would decide to add fish. These DIY ponds will create the most relaxing and beautiful outdoor space.
(Read the full tutorial via Penick)
3. The Liner-less Pond
Why mess with laying down liner when you really don’t have to? While it does take a bit more work to DIY, this is a natural pond that provides benefits to plants and other living things in the vicinity! Dig a hole for the size of pond you desire and create levels as you are digging. Be sure to remove any large rocks along the way. Line the bottom of the pond with clay and line the top with pebbles for added protection. Place coconut fiber mats along the edges to stabilize the pebbles. Cover the mats with large rocks or paving stones and fill ‘er up! Keep in mind that it may take a few times of filling before it properly retains water on its own.
(Read the full tutorial via Hyperbrain)
4. The Preformed Pond
If you would rather take a more traditional approach to your pond, the preformed is the pond for you! Head to your nearest lawn and garden supply store for a variety of preformed pond shapes, sizes, and depths. The beauty of these is that installation is pretty simple. All you really need to do is dig an appropriately sized hole and drop it in the ground. If you would rather not have to dig a hole at all, no worries! Just build a rock wall around the outside of the preform. Create the mood and appearance that you desire with paving stones, rocks, and plants! These DIY ponds will create the most relaxing and beautiful outdoor space.
(Read the full tutorial via Learning As I Go)
5. The Tractor Tire Pond
Yep, you read that right! This DIY pond is not only easy but it repurposes old tractor tires which is quite resourceful! Dig a deep enough hole that with accommodate the tire and line the bottom and the outside. Stack rocks in a pyramid fashion all the way around the tire until it is even with the top. Fill up the tire and add some plants and other garden decorations for a look that is totally unique!
(View the full tutorial via theWhoot)
These DIY ponds will create the most relaxing and beautiful outdoor space. Let us know which one you are going to try in the comments.
Featured Image Source: weheartit