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DIY One Evening Scrapbook

DIY One Evening Scrapbook

Making scrapbooks can be a painstaking process and can take a long time. It took me a long time to make my scrapbook after studying abroad. To be honest, I haven’t even really finished my study abroad scrapbook, I kind of just gave up on it at the end. I have also made a scrapbook in a short amount of time, but that usually turn out pretty badly. But I came across this DIY from A Beautiful Mess that is supposed to help make making scrapbooks more manageable and easy to finish.  Making a quick scrapbook before you go off to college is a great way to remember all your friends from home. So she recommends using some templates, and repeating them.

By knowing where to place your photos beforehand (and what sizes to get) it really helps to make it less time-consuming. I know I usually spend the most time just planning out the pages instead of actually making them. Then you can decide if you want to add a lot of extra stickers or letters, or if you want to keep it simple. What is really awesome about these templates is that the majority of the pages are covered in photos, so you don’t have to worry about what the background looks like.


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To see more of the finished scrapbook, click here.



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