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DIY Heart Shaped Ring

DIY Heart Shaped Ring

This classic ring is an easy DIY to make and only requires two things: wire and jewelry pliers. For the wire, you’ll want to use 20 gauge wire and steady hands. This DIY ring is a great gift idea or you can just make it for yourself!

First bend the wire over the larger part of the pliers to make the first bump of the heart.

At the bottom of it, where it’s going to attach to the other side, make a hard bend in the wire.


Now make the second bump of the heart the same way that you made the first one.

Squeeze the bend in the middle to make it more of a point.


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Shape the wires so that it fits around your finger. Now just cut off the excess wire and make a loop at the end so there are no sharp points or anything.

You now heave your very own DIY heart shaped ring! Hope you liked our guide, please check out our you tube channel and DIY category for more guides.


Inspiration and photos from here.