8 DIY Crafts You’ll Want To Make For Fall

While there are many things to do during a cold rainy day in the fall, you have the choice of learning new things and even making something of your own. As the internet has grown lists of things to do when you are bored or wanting to pass time, DIY crafts can be an entertaining option. Head into your local Michaels, BLICK, or even dollar store for a couple arts and crafts items you will be needing for the following ideas. Fall is just around the corner. Perhaps, the kids would like to try something new as well. Why not make something that will be memorable? There are in fact 8 DIY Crafts You’ll Want To Make For Fall season.
1. Yarn Pumpkins
In fall season, places are surrounded by bright orange pumpkins. Whether they are real carved pumpkins, or made of paper, pumpkins symbolize the beginning of October or fall season in general. This neat DIY craft only requires yarn, some balloons, and Elmer’s school glue. You may also need green and orange craft pipe cleaners for the pumpkin leaves. Aside from keeping yarn for knitting or rolling it for the cat to chase, yarn can be used to create your own.
Blow up 12-inch balloons, cut 21-inches of yarn that are about 36 inches long, and tie one string of yarn to the end of the balloon on its knot. Continue the process by dipping yarn into a bowl of white glue and run a plastic fork on strings to remove excess glue. Press the glue-covered string onto the balloon and wrap around. Repeat the process and ensure that all sides of the strings cover the balloon. Let the decoration dry and make a small hole near the knot allowing air to release. Remove the balloon and finally, add the pipe cleaners for the pumpkin’s stem and leaf.
2. Pumpkin Lights
As an easier pumpkin-related DIY craft, all you will be needing are a number of large and small pumpkins, carving tools, and tealight candles you can find on Amazon. For this project, carve out and clean the pumpkin as you would if you were crafting normally. Cut the top of the pumpkin to create a lid, then pick out and clean the inside of the pumpkin. You can save seeds for another DIY craft or to begin your own pumpkin patch garden. Next, after creating the desired design and carving out pieces, clean the pumpkin on the inside and out for perfection and add a battery-operated LED tea light or two for its glow.
3. Leaf Card Art
This next DIY craft is quite child-friendly and fun for the whole family. Just like dried flowers on greeting cards, you and your relatives can create dried autumn leaf cards. Either as greeting cards or house décor, this can be fun to do. Taking standard 8.5 x 11 craft or printer paper (for that, thinly glue two pieces of paper together to thicken), and fold vertically. Taking a pair of scissors, cut down the middle of the crease to create two separate pieces.
Then, take your dried leaves and use a sponge paintbrush to cover one side of the leaves with Mod Podge. Stick the leaves on the paper. After letter mod podge dry, paint over the leaves on paper to add a top layer. You can write an endearing message on the back of this paper as a greeting card or punch a hole on the corners of the paper to hang on a string as a garland. Another fun tip is to use craft scissors to decorate the edges of the paper.
4. Painted Pinecones
If you are looking for a plain and simple yet calming DIY craft, gather some pinecones and lay out your paint and brushes. Using autumn colors such as orange, red, and yellow, paint the pinecones as desired. You can also mix and match, blend colors, or use any colors you choose for a more creative approach. After letting the pinecones dry, place them in a bowl and put the bowl on the kitchen counter or coffee table for a satisfying fall season centerpiece.
5. Firefly Lantern
This final DIY craft involves a mason jar, string lights, and perhaps, some decoration for the inside. If you are looking for a simple nightlight that brings one of the fall season elements, this can be a great choice. Take a clean medium or large size mason jar and LED string light short enough to fit in the jar (preferably battery-operated).
If you choose, you can paint the inside of the jar. Add some grass or stars for the nightly effect. Make sure the LED lights are operating properly before placing them carefully inside the jar. Light it up and enjoy the beautiful glow. For this project, you may use color changing lights to manage the uplifting mood.
6. DIY Leaf Bowl
Collecting leaves is normally what people do in the fall when raking them up into piles or picking some off the ground. Did you know you can also make a bowl from large leaves? This can be done with any tree leaves. However, for the purpose of fall season, maple tree leaves or similar would be best to use. Wrap the outside of a clear mixing bowl with enough saran wrap to stick leaves onto. Using Mod Podge and a sponge paintbrush, spread a thin layer on one side of each leaf and stick them onto the wrap-covered bowl. Continue to do so until the bowl is entirely covered by leaves.
The leaves must overlap and be pressed to secure properly. Not all leaves will stay on the bowl, with that, use another sheet of saran wrap and add the second layer to keep all leaves in shape and in place until the glue dries. Glaze the layered saran wrap for the leaves to say in place and carefully take off the saran wrap when all leaves are surely dry. If everything is sturdy, remove the wrap and leaf bowl from the glass bowl. You now have yourself a festive leaf bowl for fall.
7. Berry Sprig Wreath
When searching for the perfect wreath to place on your front door, you can often find ones that correlate with the Halloween spirit, bring out the shine of fall, or give a little touch of flowers. For this type of wreath, Redberry sprigs are used as they are commonly seen in fall season. Gather plenty of berry sprigs from a craft store in order for this DIY to work, as well as some flowers such as fake red roses or real Hydrangeas.
Spread out the berry wires. Wrap the wreath intertwining the wires together and making sure the berries and flowers stick out how you want them to. As you wrap, ensure that the wires will not tangle nor snap during the process. Once everything is in place, you can hang your wreath wherever it looks best.
8. Mason Jar Vase
Instead of your typical tall flower vase, mason jars serve as great alternatives. You can use these jars to lift fall spirit. You can pick up a few Chrysanthemums, Celosias, or Pansies for the best autumn flowers. Fill 1/4th of the jar with water or a little more for the real flowers and place them in the jar. With fake flowers, you can place a green string at the bottom giving an illusion of a flower field with grass. Mason jars can be used for anything else fall-related. Take a look at other ideas for some fall DIY fun.