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10 Disney Gifs To Help You Make It Through A Rough Day

10 Disney Gifs To Help You Make It Through A Rough Day

10 Disney Gifs To Help You Make It Through A Rough Day

Mondays are the worst. I hate them, you hate them, we all hate them—but they always come around. I usually muddle through the best I can, but it always helps to have some encouragement, and laughter to get me out of my grumpy mood. Who better to encourage all of us and make us laugh than Disney characters? Here are 10 Disney gifs to help you make it through Monday.

1. Waking up–attempt one

Literally me when my alarm goes off. . .

Not joking.


2. Waking up is hard–but second alarm’s the charm

We all know the struggle of waking up on a Monday morning when there is nothing in this world we would rather do than quit literally everything we’ve ever committed to in our lives and fall into a coma. But if Tiana can get up at the crack of dawn to make her dreams come true, so can we! (Sassy Disney gifs for the win!)

We love a strong, independent woman.


3. Struggling though classes

I don’t know about you, but I am busy every Monday from the time that I wake up (much too early for my night owl biological clock to handle) to at least 12 PM at night. Running around like the energizer bunny but with no energy gets old really quickly, and when I get mad or angry about it, I remember the age old words sung to me by a wise fish name Dory.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, we are going to make it to lunch time if we just keep swimming. (my mantra)

4. Lunch

Me when it’s time to stuff my face with the hot food. Pooh bear is me. I am pooh. We are one.


And bonus, after I eat I’m magically not (as) grumpy anymore. Yay for A+ Disney gifs.

5. Back to class

With lunch in my belly and life not seeming like a pit of despair, it is time to hit the books once again. This time, with much more enjoyment. Attack that knowledge like a warrior. Preferably not shirtless, but hey, if you’ve got it flaunt it.


(We all love you Shang, and we’re all bitter about the live-action leaving you out)

6. After school–more school

If you’re like me, by this time you are probably feeling more like a robot than a person, just going through the motions on autopilot because your brain peaced out like three hours ago. We all know the struggle. It’s so real even Flit knows. This was clearly meant to be a portrayal of a Monday afternoon tea.

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7. Time with friends

This is it. This is what makes life worthwhile. Spending time with your people when you can, laughing and having a good time. Monday who? Forget about it.

When your friends match your energy at the club. One of those quality Disney gifs.

8. Dinner (Second best part of the day, after lunch)

I wish my food tasted this good. Look at him, he’s in heaven. Not gonna lie, I’m jealous. And kind of hungry now.


9. Getting ready for bed (finally!)

It’s time to wash our faces, brush our teeth, and our hair. Self care is so important, don’t you agree?

10. Back in bed

I think we all feel Tiana right now. I know I do. But we made it through Monday, and that’s what matters. Keep up the good work everyone, the end of the semester is in sight, and we all (The Disney characters and me) believe in you! We’re almost there. . .just dig a little deeper.


Do you have favorite Disney gifs to help you make it through Monday? let us know in the comments!

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