Crafting isn’t for just anyone. You need time, dedication, and passion when it comes to making a craft, especially if it’s a difficult project. But, if you’re bored and have some time on your hands, why not delve into making something you could be really proud of? This list of difficult crafts to make will certainly keep you busy and leave you feeling super accomplished!
Most easy crafts don’t require much skill, which allows anyone to create them. But, with this craft, there will definitely be a learning curve. Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread and isn’t just something you can pick up and do instantly. It takes some time to understand the process, but once you get it down, nothing is stopping you from creating spectacular art! The great thing is, you can embroider anything you like, whether it’s a t-shirt, the pocket of your jeans, or just a piece of fabric that you’d like to frame and hang!
Nothing completes a warm bath like a fizzy bath bomb, so why not get your hands dirty and make some yourself? You’ll need ingredients like citric acid and cornstarch, plus any decorative additives that you’d like. You’ll also need a mold of some sort, like the classic round mold or something of another shape. The tricky part about making bath bombs is creating is the perfect texture that you needed to mold them and keep them together in one shape. If it’s too dry or liquidy it won’t hold it’s shape, so make sure to be careful!
Making your own soap doesn’t necessarily have to be difficult, but if you’re choosing to make it completely from scratch, you’re in for a fun project. Soap making requires using a dangerous chemical called lye that can burn your skin and react badly if mixed with the wrong ingredients. So, make sure to be extra careful if you’ve decided to take on this difficult craft, and leave enough time in your day (maybe even two days) to complete this. After the scary part of soap making is over, you get to mold, decorate, and color to your heart’s content! Then, show off your awesome soap making skills to family and friends!
This next craft doesn’t exactly require that much skill, but certainly takes some precision. These super cute hanging light bulb terrariums are perfect for any bedroom or living room and don’t take too many materials. You might need some tools to get the light bulb opened and closed, but other than that this should be fairly inexpensive. You just have to be really careful when placing things inside the bulb because you could easily shatter the glass and ruin your whole project. It may be difficult, but it’ll be worth it in the end!
Another craft that appears simple but takes patience and precision are these book page flowers. I’m sure you could get a semi-nice result by just gluing some scraps of paper together, but to replicate this exact craft, you have to be handy with a pair of scissors and make the perfect cuts. You can make just one of these flowers, but if you’re truly bored and have a lot of time on your hands, make a whole bouquet! If you’re too attached to your books to destroy one, consider using newspaper or old maps instead.
Our next craft is an ambitious one that not just anyone could do. Making your own clothing is one thing, but having it actually look good is a whole other thing. This difficult craft requires a person with a lot of dedication and patience because you will most likely mess up a whole lot before you get it down perfectly. If you’re interested in this, I would recommend starting with an item of clothing that is fairly simple and then increase the difficulty from there. Put your inner fashion designer to the test and make some clothes you can show off!
I can speak from experience that normal knitting, with no particular pattern in mind, is not that difficult. But when it comes down to making something like an article of clothing or a stuffed animal, that’s where it gets tricky. Challenge yourself with the craft and make something useful, creative, or both! If you’re new to knitting, start simple, but don’t be scared of a challenge. The possibilities are endless when it comes to yarn and knitting needles! Try some funky patterns, cool colors, or anything you like!
This might be surprising to some, but you can in fact make your own sea glass! It might not be naturally made by the sea, but it’s still beautiful. You’ll need a rock tumbler to mimic the crashing of the waves, plus something gritty like sand to wear down the broken glass you choose to use. This craft takes a lot of time and patience and isn’t the most inexpensive, but the results are just lovely. Use your new sea glass to make jewelry, create a wind chime, or just fill up an empty jar for decoration!
Hand-made jewelry shops are some of my favorite places to visit, because of the uniqueness each piece brings. This is why I think this craft would be great to try, even if it’s slightly difficult. You’ll most likely need several tools or plyers for this, along with a variety of beads or stones that you’d like to use. Sure, anyone can twist up some wire and call it jewelry, but not everyone can make it look good. This craft will take a lot of practice, and if you’re really serious about it, you could turn it into a profession!
While many of the crafts on this list rely on pure skill and accuracy, for this final craft, all you need is some persistence (and maybe a little strength). This might not be the craft for you if you don’t have the heart to ruin a perfectly good book, but art takes sacrifice! Ok, maybe this isn’t exactly art, but it sure is fun. This hollowed-out book allows you to hid any small object inside, whether it be money, a key to a safe, a love letter, or anything! Once placed on a bookshelf, no one will know it’s hollowed. Taking out the pages in a neat manner will be difficult and may take some time, but don’t let it stop you! Keep those secrets well hidden with this fun craft!
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