Different Ways To Give Your Dorm Room Light

There is a lot that goes into crafting the perfect dorm room. You need to make sure that you have all of the necessities, but you should also make sure that your dorm room feels like home. It should look amazing and like a place that you would live in. There are many different items for you to buy and most of them fall into either the necessity or aesthetic category. However, there are some items that fall into both categories. For example, the lights that you buy for your room. There are many different ways that you can use light in your dorm room. You do need it to see and so that you are not plunged in darkness. Even if you have an overhead light, you might want to see without a lighting that is very harsh. On the other side of the coin, you may want light that looks very pretty, either in the shape or how the light is reflected. Whatever your reason may be, you will most likely be getting some light for you room. Here are some different types of lights that you can get that will each improve your dorm room in their own special way.
1. Good Vibes
A dorm room is a place that is supposed to make you feel happy. It is your new home, so you should make sure that you can feel comfortable. A great way to do that is through decorations. If you give your room dull and boring accessories, then you are going to feel dull and boring every time you are in that room. You should have some decorations to show that you are living in a safe and positive space. It can also help if that positive energy shines bright. That is why you should get this light for your room. This is an LED sign that you can hang up on the wall of your room and will turn on to glow a bright white when you click a button. The sign is simply the words “Good Vibes”. That is the type of energy you should be bringing into your dorm. It will help remind you that this is a place where you should be happy and you should throw away all of the negativity. Also, when someone enters your room for the first time, they will know what to expect. This is a sign for someone to keep their chin up and to shine some light on their life.
2. Leafy Lights
Would you consider yourself a nature lover? Are you someone who likes to appreciate plants and animals? Well even though you are living indoors, you can still stay close to your roots, pun intended. This can be done through what you put in your room. You may think this can only apply to pictures and items that are only for decoration, but even items with a use can have a nature vibe. For example, you can buy some lights that will remind you of the great outdoors. If that is what you want, then these are the lights for you. These lights are organized in a classic fairy light style, but with a little something extra. These fairy lights have leaves attached to the whole length so you feel like you are in a magical forest. The leaves have natural energy and the lights will help your room shine bright. If you want some light and you want your room to feel a little rustic, then these are the lights for you.
3. Galaxy Projector
You may think that the lights you have in your room can’t be exciting. While they may look cute the light itself may feel plain to you. Decoration style can be important, but maybe you would prefer thinking about the actual light style. Do you want to bring some joy into your lights so that your whole room looks like a wonderland? If that is the case, then you should get this light. The light itself may not look that interesting, as it is shaped like a projector. However, once you turn it on, you will see the magic happen. It will shine so that your room looks like a beautiful night sky. You will see many shades of blue, purple, and pink dance all across your room. The colors will create all sorts of stars and wavy shapes that you could stare at for hours. While these may not be lights meant for seeing everything in your dorm, they will certainly help your space glow and give it some pizzazz. So if you want your whole room to light up with color, then it’s time to bring the night sky to your walls.
4. Clothespin Strings
No matter what, you should always try to hold on to the memories you make. These can be cherished for a long time and make you think of the happy moments of your life. Whenever possible, try to hold on to physical photos of events in your life. Try to get a polaroid or use a photo booth every time you see one. After you get those pictures, you might be thinking about where you can hang them. That is where these lights come into play. This is a set of string lights that you can hang up to provide some cute accent lighting when you turn the rest of your lights off. The best part of this light is the multicolored clothespins that are attached. Not only do they provide a bit of color, but they are perfect for hanging up the physical photos that you have. Whether you are holding on to old memories or making new ones, these lights can help make them a big part of your room. It is time to turn on the light right as you go on that special trip down memory lane.
5. Storage Lamp
It can always be nice to get many purposes out of one item. Your dorm can only fit so much, so you should try to be practical. Always try to be resourceful with your space so that you can have as much as possible. When you can get a variety of uses out of something you own, it will become very important for your day to day life. That is why when you are picking some items that you must have for your dorm this light should make the list. Its main purpose is as a basic desk lamp. It will be terrific for when you are doing work at your desk or need to read something. However, its importance does not stop there. It can also be used as a small storage container. It can hold many little items, like pens, erasers, scissors, etc. This will be very convenient when you are working as everything you need will be right there. On top of all of that, this lamp also can charge your phone if you are running out of power. You will never have to reach for a cord again. With all of these purposes, this light can help improve your new room and your new life.
6. LED Vanity Mirror
Lights can serve a variety of purposes. They can even help you when you are getting ready in the morning. It is important to try to look your best everyday. This can help build your confidence and guarantee that you conquer each day. Before you leave your dorm in the morning, you should look in the mirror a couple of times to make sure that you look stunning. This is the part where lights can come into play. They can be a part of your routine when you buy these lights, which come in the form of a mirror. This is a vanity mirror, which mean it is meant for looking at your face in particular so that you can do hair and makeup touch ups. What makes this mirror special is that the border has a bunch of big led lights. They can help light up your face so that when you look in the mirror, you are able to see everything. This will help you avoid any smudged makeup or hair out of place. This is a light that will help you see clearly and will make sure that you look amazing everyday.
7. Party Cups
You are in college now, so you should try to embrace this college life that you are now living. It may involve a lot of studying time, but it could also involve quite a bit of partying. Partying may not be for everyone, but if you are the type of person who likes to go wild, then don’t let anyone stop you. This could be a big part of your week, but it could also infiltrate your living situation. If you want to add some of your partying attitude to your dorm room, then go ahead. The best way to start with that is by getting these lights. These are string lights that you can hang across your room, but they look a little different than normal. Instead of just seeing the little light, it is a bunch of little solo cups all across the strings. They are perfect for anyone who is liking the college lifestyle and wants to celebrate that atmosphere. This light is pretty unique and they will show anyone that you want to do the most with your time in college.
8. Blooming Flower
It is always nice to have something cheerful sitting in your room. Even if it may not feel like much, anything that makes you feel happy when you look at it can be important.. The best way to do this is through essentials. Obviously your decorations are going to be pretty, but what about the things in your room that you actually need? One of the things that you may need is a desk lamp. This is one of the most useful setups of light for a dorm room. It will help you see your work and books when it is night time. Just because you need it does not mean you should sacrifice its cuteness. If you want a lamp that is useful and adorable, then this is the light for you. This lamp is set up like a normal desk lamp, but it certainly does not look like a normal desk lamp. The neck of this lamp is green like the stem of a plant, and then the bulb is surrounded by pretty pink flower petals. It will be like you have a flower that is giving you light on your desk. This will help make your life a bit easier and can provide you with a cute housewarming plant.
9. Neon Controller
It is always nice when you have decorations that show off your personality. They can help make sure that your dorm room is a clear representation of you. Someone would be able to tell that this is a dorm room that belongs to you and makes you feel special. While a lot of decorations are based on aesthetic interest, you should also have some that are based on real life interests. If you want your wall to show off something that you love, then you should get this light. This is a light in the form of a neon sign that you can hang on your wall and will glow in pretty colors. This sign in particular is shaped like a video game controller. It has a blue outline with green, yellow, and pink in the middle, so there is sure to be a lot of color in your room. Not only will this bring light and color, but people can tell by looking at this that you like video games. Your interest is reflected here so people can see some of your personality in this room. They see one of your likes, and they see that like shine bright.