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8 Different Types Of Role Play That Will Give You And Your SO A Night To Remember

8 Different Types Of Role Play That Will Give You And Your SO A Night To Remember

Behind closed doors you can be whoever you want to be. You don’t have to be embarrassed by trying to spice up the sex life between you and your partner. Role play is a great way to do this. You may think it is funny of embarrassing but that is half of the fun. Being comfortable in yourself and with your partner is a huge key to introducing role play into the bedroom.

You both need to be excited and willing to try the idea or it will get slightly awkward. Of course, you can go solo and surprise them, but try to drop hints first. Ask them what their sexual fantasy is or say if you could have me dress up what would you like? Either save it for a special occasion or just go straight in – no one is going to judge you.

It can be as extreme, slutty, or innocent as you please. Make sure that although you are trying to impress your partner, that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing (or not wearing). These are 8 different types of role pay to give you and your partner an unforgettable night, or just to give you some inspiration before you do the deed.

1. A Stranger

Although you will always want each other, there is not much more sexy than a first time. Pretend to be someone else. Someone from a fantasy maybe, or someone completely different. Everyone has an alter ego and you may get a kick out of pretending to be yours. Or you can imagine being a boss of a company or someone who travels a lot and drinks gin martinis. You can be anyone you want to be in this game. And the beauty of this is that you can do it anywhere to. In the comfort of your own home, in a bar, in a restaurant. Absolutely anywhere. Step out of your comfort zone and transform yourself into someone else for the night. 

2. Latex

Latex is one of the sexiest fabrics out there. It shows off every curve and every perfect line on your body to give you an amazing silhouette. It may be hard to get on but it is really easy to get off. There is something really sexual about latex and you can express your personality through the colour of it. Or wear their favourite colour for a nice little surprise. It can be as much or as little as you like, it will probably all end up on the floor anyway! 

3. Secretary

There is something extremely sexy about a pencil skirt, glasses and a blouse. If you are a secretary then it may have worn off by now. But the seductive secretary is someone that all men have a fantasy about and it can be done with your old clothes and some prop glasses – possibly the cheapest role play look out there. You may even want to leave your stilettos on during, who knows? 

4. School Uniform

Sexy school girl is the perfect role play which you can dig out of the back of your wardrobe. It is one of the most classic role play looks. Take it from Britney in ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’. A plaid skirt with a tied up shirt, knee high socks and heels are all you need to achieve this amazing look. You can even go all out with your hair in bunches or a plaits. The shorter the skirt and the lower the button on the shirt the better, right? 

5. Maid

This role play look is another classic. To be honest it derived from the affairs gentlemen would often have with their maids in their mansions. But what man wouldn’t want to pretend to be a billionaire? You can clean his dirty mess up while you are at it. On a serious note there is something classically sexy about this look and will not fail to get your other half’s juices flowing. Sexy time or cleaning time? You can decide on that one. 

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6. Masseuse

If you are unsure on the whole dressing up side of role play then this one is for you. Grab yourself some massage oil that you both like the smell of, some scented candles and strip down to your birthday suit (or underwear if you aren’t quite ready for that step at the beginning). Massage them first with your hands. Run them all over the body and then start introducing other body parts, you can do this while their laid on their front, or back, or both. Then get them to repay the favour. See what happens next. 

7. Cheerleader

Going back to being a high school cheerleader is another classic role play idea. Screw the pompoms this time but get a short skirt and a low cut top and your hair with a bow and some red lipstick to match. If your partner was really into sports or still is into sports then this one will work a treat. There is a huge cliche about cheerleaders but the outfit never fails – like Rachel in friends would tell you. This one is great because you can be you but in a cheeky outfit. No pretending to be someone else as the costume is just clothes. It’s a great outfit for your next role playing session. 

8. Nurse

An authoritative figure like a nurse or doctor is a huge turn on. There is an obvious sexual thing surrounding a good looking doctor/nurse. Role playing this is something really fun and out of the box that you and your partner could do. You don’t have to pretend to be sick you just have to want to play the game. And the outfit, need I say more? The outfit is out of this world sexy. It would look even better on the floor, unless you would like to keep it on of course. 

What is your favourite type of role play? Comment below, or share with your partner to inspire them to get dressed up next time you both get down and dirty. 

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