Categories: Mental Health

Different Relaxing Meditation Ideas To Alleviate Stress

Relaxing meditation is an important way to take a step back, listen to your body, and give it what it needs. Meditation in its many different forms can help keep you healthy, emotionally taken care of, and keep other negative health issues and risks at a minimum if not altogether successfully eliminated. Different relaxing meditation ideas to alleviate stress can keep you going through difficult times and make you a happier, more fulfilled, positive, and motivated person in your life and toward others. As the benefits of meditation, there are many and diverse methods and means of meditation such as these top ideas.


The heat and stimulus of a hot bath can really help to alleviate your stress levels. Sitting in heated water for a significant period of time can ease and relax your muscles and allow you time for mindfulness meditation. Take the time in a bath to pass through the worries, issues, and problems of your day or that you are continually facing. The most important thing to remember is (even though it is never easy and takes carefully crafted discipline), stress truly never changes circumstances and worrying about something won’t affect it.

It’s most healthy in this case to step back. Let your mind come down from all the worries and thoughts and allow, will your mind to slow down and ease up on itself. Don’t focus on any particular thoughts, especially negative, but simply mentally drift.


As well as with heat, you can also attune your mindfulness and spirituality meditation to the senses to increase positive impacts.  Soothing music that is positive in any lyrics first and foremost, but is also ideally slow paced, and actually less lyrical can help you to relax better and just be for a moment. Candles and more subdued lighting can help decrease your heart rate and soothe tension. Appeal to the other senses as well in your routine with aloe vera, eucalyptus, lavender, sage, sandalwood, and/or lemon, for example.

Sleep time

The time before and after sleep are great opportunities to attune relaxing meditation to the controlled senses of sight, smell and hearing. Using relaxing scents such as previously discussed can help your body relax and decompress even more effectively. Control the sounds in your environment to little sound and only sounds appealing to your relaxation. Piano or classical music as well as sounds of nature such as rain falling, white noise such as fan oscillation, whispering such as from a meditation podcast or A.S.M.R. (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) attuned speech. 

Also make sure you are getting the needed sleep every night for your body to fully relax and recharge from each day. Lack of proper sleep can dramatically affect your body’s stress levels, health, and functioning. Ideal length is typically 7-9 hours a night. Mid-day rests and “power naps” can also help reduce stress and can even improve your body’s cognitive functionality. Regularly lowered heart rates can have great positive effects for your health by calming. 


Specific meditation exercises such as yoga can help to refocus your mind away from negative thoughts and feelings and toward positive with focused meditation. The stretching of the muscles can relax and soothe tightness and give needed relief to your bones and joints. Oxygen is more able to flow through your body and this increase of oxygen levels in your blood can improve vision, mental clarity, intelligence, immune system, heart and respiration, and help reduce your stress levels. Regular bedtime yoga routines can help you fall asleep and stay asleep better. 

With yoga you will also experience higher levels of mental and physical energy allowing you to better achieve your goals throughout the day. You will have more capability to be and stay active, decreasing your stresses as a natural result. The time during yoga also allows you to mentally decompress and slow your thinking but also the time to think on your goals and their achievement with visualization meditation. and the resolution of what is stressing you. Taking a step back from your stresses with meditation exercise can allow you to better evaluate the different sources of what’s stressing you.

See Also


Fresh air can also help alleviate stress as one of the most effective means of increasing your blood oxygen levels. Natural settings and environments can also have a calming, soothing effect on your body. Take a moment to find a quiet space in nature to decompress by less sound, less distraction, and close your eyes for spiritual meditation. Slow your mind and your thinking. Breathe deeply in and slowly release your breaths back out. Lack of regular fresh air can actually increase depression, anxiety, and stress levels. It can make all the difference in your life, health, and mental wellness to spend regular, sufficient time outdoors.

Mental Exercises

There are also methods of mental training that make meditation and its effects all the easier and more effective. These include things such as mantra meditation with spoken or heard repetitive sounds. This can increase your mental focus, making you more alert and in tune to yourself and your environment, making you calmer and more able to refocus on positivity. When you are thinking negatively or detrimentally, take a step back and find a quiet, isolated place with few distractions. Slow and deepen your breathing and quiet your mind and thoughts. Then refocus.

Think not only about your goals but remind yourself of your own capabilities and the capability of your goals’ achievement. Practice loving-kindness meditation here by reminding yourself of the love you have for yourself and for others. Acknowledge your own humanity and that mistakes are okay. Mentally let in the love of others and send them mental positivity and love in the moment. Compassion and kindness are promoted by this and positivity toward self, environment, and circumstances will follow.

These different relaxing meditation ideas will not only help you to better and more regularly alleviate stress but also love yourself and your life. You will see yourself and others more clearly and positively. The mental health benefits will speak for themselves! Let us know in the comments what meditation worked for you and what you thought of these ideas.

Featured Image Source:
Kelsey Thomas

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