So, you’re in the mood to make a delicious dessert for yourself, but you don’t think you have enough time to make one. Well, the good news is that you totally can! While many desserts can take up to a few hours to make, there are some that will only take you 30 minutes or less and are just as tasty as the more complex desserts! Often, the key to making these quick desserts is to indulge your creative side. What can you come up with that is both unique and easy to make? If you think about it, there are a lot of common dishes that you can transform into amazing desserts. Below, we have included 10 of the best, so get cooking!
Pancakes by themselves should probably be considered desserts already, but why not make this an actuality by combining them with frosting? All you would need to do is make a couple huge pancakes (which is pretty easy to do), stack them on top of each other, and then use frosting to cover them. From a distance, it’ll look like a real cake! Don’t stop with the frosting, though. Add some decorations like sprinkles or icing to make your pancake cake even better. You can even customize the taste (at least a little) if you add different ingredients to the pancakes like blueberries or chocolate chips.
Like pancakes, pop-tarts are grouped in with breakfast foods, but they should really be counted as light desserts since they have so much sugar packed into them. One of the downsides, though, for people who like to eat them, is that they’re so small. You can seemingly never have just one. Or can you? With this recipe, you’ll be completely stuffed after only a few eating a few bites of this giant pop-tart. To make this, simply cut open your favorite flavor of pop-tarts and spread the filling onto some dough that you can purchase from the store. Once you’ve done this, cover the top with another piece of dough and place it in the oven for a little bit. That’s all you’ll have to do!
Have you ever wondered what a cake and a pie would taste like if you ate them at the same time? They’d probably taste pretty good, right? Correct! You can satisfy your curiosity when you make this cake-pie, which is simply a pie baked into a cake. Make whatever kind of pie you want with whatever kind of cake you want. There are, happily, many different combinations that you can try! The most important thing to remember, though, when you make this dessert is to make sure that the flavors of both the pie and the cake compliment each other. No one wants to eat something where two completely opposite tastes are vying for your attention!
Many desserts that you can make in a short amount of time are not very good for you, but you probably already knew that. Banana splits, however, are the (slight) exception to the rule. Bananas are, of course, the main ingredients of this dessert, but there are also lots of sweets thrown in, so it balances out. One unique thing you can do when you decide to make a banana split is to split open the bananas and put either some ice cream or another sweet dessert inside. Afterwards, you can sprinkle some powdered sugar over the entire thing to make it look nice.
This is one of the more popular desserts you can make very quickly. There are two main things you have to focus on while making this dessert: the filling and the crust. The crumbs for the crust and the filling mix are already provided for you, so all you’ll need is some milk and butter (which you probably already have). It’s better to make the crust first, since the filling can get ruined if you leave it out too long. One of the best parts about making this cheesecake is that you’ll have plenty of opportunities to taste everything before it’s done. Just take a spoon and snack on some of the filling as you continue making the dessert!
With some common desserts like Oreos, you can completely redesign how you present the food by not being afraid to stretch your creative muscles. When you make Oreo Truffles, you can do just that. To start making this recipe, throw a lot of Oreos in a blender until they’re nothing but dust. Then, take warm up some butter in the microwave and mix both the melted butter and Oreo dust together. After this, simply place them in the oven until they’re done. Once they’re out, let them cool for a bit. You do not want to begin frosting them until they’re cool, otherwise your dessert will just turn into one big mess. When they’ve finally cooled down, you can safely begin the final step in preparing the truffles. Enjoy!
Some desserts are easier to make than others. They only require a few steps and, once they’re finished, they’ll turn out beautifully. Rice-Krispie Treats are one of these. The only two ingredients you’ll need are some marshmallows and a box of Rice-Krispies! One of the first steps you’re going to want to do is to melt down, or at least soften, the marshmallows in the microwave. Once this is done, use your hands to thoroughly mix the Rice-Krispies and melted marshmallows together. Be sure to do this quickly, since the marshmallows don’t take very long to cool. After mixing the two ingredients together, place them in an oven safe dish, slide it into the oven, and wait for your dessert to finish cooking!
There are already many peanut butter themed desserts, like Reese’s Pieces and Peanut Butter Cups. When you make this dessert, you’ll be using both of these ingredients, as well as regular peanut butter. Since there is already so much butter in these three ingredients, you won’t need to use any regular butter to ‘glue’ everything together. Simply mold the three ingredients into one big pile, then shape them according to your desire. Do you want to make them in a brownie pan, or do you want to be a little more unique and make them in a pie plate? You can even cut out shapes with cookie cutters if you want!
If you plan on having a campfire with some friends in your backyard, you should definitely make some desserts for everyone to eat. One dessert that your friends may not have heard of before is a twist on an old classic: S’mores Cake! When you bring out the cake and place it near the fire so that everyone can quickly grab a piece, they’ll be amazed and will probably ask you how long it took you to cook it. Their jaws will hit the ground when you tell them that it took you less than half and hour to make it. It’s really not as complicated as it seems. One quick and easy version that you can do is to make bigger s’mores and put them all together, neatly, in a pan. Then, just keep stacking them up until it looks like a cake!
One thing that this dessert has in common with its inspiration is that is is also messy. While it’s not uncommon for many desserts to be messy, this is one that will make those look easy to clean up. This dessert consists of multiple layers of whipped cream and chocolate stacked upon each other and topped with tiny chocolate chips. Like a regular lasagna, be prepared for this treat to be sticky and a little hard to remove from the plate. If you’re planning on eating this in the living room, be careful not to let your dish slip from you lap and onto the furniture. However, if you’re careful enough, this delicious dish should not pose much of a problem!
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