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5 Designer Brands That Aren’t Worth The Money

5 Designer Brands That Aren’t Worth The Money

The fashion industry is dated back all the way to the 19th century. It was only until the 20th century when businesses began selling merchandise and increasing revenue. On a consumer’s point of view, we all may think the most expensive brands would be the most prized possessions and not to mention, high-quality products. Are we really getting the most out of designer brands? You may have heard of designer handbags that the wealthiest person is carrying around, or the popularized clothes that would cost thousands of dollars. In this day and age, consumers must have a different mindset. What about shopping smart instead of going big? Here are 5 Designer Brands That Aren’t Worth The Money.

1. Coach

When thinking about brands, each has a unique timeline of their own. Beginning with the designer brand company Coach, the ideas for their handbags started in 1941 and put into work by 1962. Coach was branded as an affordable luxury handbag at that time, provided that there were hundreds of retailers across the United States. You may remember Coach handbags being flaunted on days end in the early 2000s. This company had lost its value since changing most of  its iconic C’s design and switching to all-leather material. Its competitors Tory Burch and Michael Kors have a better chance at selling to more contemporary consumers. As of now, going against affordability, the prices of Coach handbags have increased, making them even less appealing.


2. Prada

As an Italian luxury brand, you would think Prada would be one to stick around for longer than expected. This company was initiated in 1913 starting with animal goods, imported English steamer trunks, and handbags. Prada was known to be the influential designer brand in the 1990s, however, it was in line with other notable designer brands such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci during the early 2000s. In terms of clothing, Prada had its own fallout throughout the 2010s, making it a rather questionable company to entrust. The latest boutique for Prada was opened in Dubai during the year 2012. Although, you won’t hear news about handbags and clothing, making Prada nearly invisible to the public eye.

3. Louboutin

Founded in 1913, Christian Louboutin’s designer brand company specifies in shoes and leather goods. Popularized in music and movies, Louboutin shoes are what every woman wants. There is just a few setbacks, making this one of the worst designer brands. Today, any woman who loves heels knows that she may look good with certain styles but the comfort and ability to walk matter most. The visual quality is what stuns women all around the world, persuading them to spend their last paychecks on shoes. If you read about or watch videos on current shoe models, you will find out that they are more for the looks than comfort. Younger women in their twenties find themselves taking the shoes off as soon as they step on hardwood floor. The important thing is to try before you buy; avoid nearly spending a thousand on discomfort.


4. Versace

Founded in 1978, Versace has currently been known for their clothing, eyeglasses, and sunglasses. The untimely death of Gianni Versace has opened hearts around the world, but is the brand itself worth the money? As with any brand, people will purchase as long as the name is what gains themselves recognition and praise. Versace, along with several other designer brands was more popular in the 1990s and early 2000s. People were proud to say they had Versace sunglasses, but the quality is just like any other. Because this brand has been fading within the middle class crowds and leaning toward upper class, fashion designer Michael Kors purchased the company to save it from misery. As an Italian brand, the originality still stands, but just not the sales. 

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5. Dolce & Gabbana  

Holding two names of designers in the title, this Italian company began in 1985. During that time, clothes were the main focus of the agenda. These designers were pitched to outcoming celebrities in the early 2000s. Dolce & Gabbana sold as many items such as clothing, sunglasses/eyewear, and handbags. A secondary brand by the name of D & G was released as well as home and bridal collections which did not last. Despite the advertisements and collaborations, Dolce and Gabbana made their calling through fragrances and menswear. As another company with controversies, they unsuccessfully sold in other countries such as Hong Kong. A downfall occurred in 2014, resulting in distaste for the brand by consumers.


Which of the designer brands do you still like and why? Comment below!

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