10 Delicious Starbucks Drinks Under 100 Calories

Starbucks and college students go hand in hand. We have all had to wait in an insanely long line for a tasty caffeinated beverage so we can endure our studies and lectures. These drinks can be a large contributor of the Freshman 15 though, so here is a list of ten delicious Starbucks drinks under 100 calories, so you don’t need to worry!

Starbucks Drinks Under 100 Calories For: Hot Coffee Lovers

For a hot low calorie Starbucks beverage, these are the best top two choices. If you are not a fan of the bold coffee taste, add some nonfat milk and sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg on top.

1. Cappuccino

Grande. Nonfat Milk. 80 calories.

2. Blonde Roast Brewed Coffee

Any size. 5 Calories.



Starbucks Drinks Under 100 Calories For: Iced Coffee Lovers

Starbucks has a variety of delicious, low calorie, iced or blended coffees. The key is nonfat milk and skipping the whipped cream.

3. Iced Caffe Latte

Grande. Nonfat Milk. 90 calories

4. Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Grande. Nonfat milk. 80 calories.

5. Iced Coffee (with classic syrup)

Tall. 80 calories.

6. Coffee Light Frappuccino® Blended Coffee

Tall. 90 calories

7. Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

Tall. 100 calories


8. Iced Skinny Mocha

Tall. 90 Calories

This one is for all the chocolate lovers out there. This Starbucks drink under 100 calories is made with skinny mocha sauce, espresso, and non-fat milk.

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Starbucks Drinks Under 100 Calories For: Non-Coffee Lovers

Whether tea or a refresher, these Starbucks drinks under 100 calories wake you up without being coffee and instead offer refreshing fruity tastes.

Another great aspect: nothing needs to be added to refreshers, and the extremely low calorie drinks such as tea (try the hot Passion Tango tea) offer extra caloric room for honey and other sweeteners if needed.


9. Strawberry Acai Refresher

Grande. 90 calories

10. Passion Tango Herbal Tea.

Any size. 0 calories.

Get it grande, iced and sweetened at only 80 calories.


What is your favorite of all the Starbucks drinks under 100 calories? Comment below and share this article with friends!

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