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7 Day Trips To Take Near Pace University (PLV) For When You Need To Get TF Off Campus

7 Day Trips To Take Near Pace University (PLV) For When You Need To Get TF Off Campus

It is no secret that college life can be stressful. Or that campus can start feeling claustrophobic. Sometimes all we students need is a day away to remember there’s life outside of school, and we deserve to enjoy it. Here are 7 potential day trips near Pace University for us Pleasantville-located students who sometimes only desire a breather – and some new scenery.

1. Tarrytown

A village in the town of Greenburgh, Tarrytown is only an approximately 15-minute drive from Pleasantville, but the village is more lively. Since it is located on the Eastern bank of the Hudson River, they have the Hudson Harbor which is a beautiful place to travel if you want a spectacular view of the river. The harbor includes spots of grass ideal for a picnic or benches to simply sit on and enjoy seeing the lights reflect over the river. Day trips near Pace can’t be talked about without talking about this harbor, a popular retreat for anyone wanting to get away from the world for some time.

The village of Tarrytown itself is incredibly picturesque. They have delicious eateries, such as Taco Project, Sweet Grass Grill, Lefteris Gyro, and plenty more that are highly recommended by me. You should also check out some of their stores like Pretty Funny Vintage, a lovely antique shop, and A Nu Toy Store, which may heal the wound in your heart left behind by Toys R’Us. Tarrytown is the perfect day trip, especially because it is right next to Pace.


2. Ossining

Another village in Westchester county close to Pace (and even closer to Tarrytown), Ossining has two major things going for it: the Ferry, and the pier next to the ferry. The passenger ferry connects Haverstraw, New York to Ossining over the Haverstraw Bridge and the Hudson River. This route not only offers scenic views, but they also ride on weekdays during commuter rush hours. If you ever have a day where you just want to skip classes and get a break, the pier is a great way to spend that time as you smell the river and feel the breeze on your face. It’s a perfect day trip when campus life is bumming you out.

You can also just sit next to the gazebo on the pier and take in the view of the river. I’ve done it, and believe me when I say sometimes day trips near Pace don’t get better than this.


3. White Plains

Day trips near Pace don’t just mean villages; sometimes we have to enjoy the city too. The city near Pace you go to when you don’t have the time or expenses for the city city (aka Manhattan), White Plains is like tidbit version that is ideal for a weekend night. The Metro North in Pleasantville is only fifteen minutes and takes you straight there, so it’s a good place to travel to if you don’t have a car. If you do, the ride is only about 15 minutes!

They have two malls: the Galleria and The Westchester, each possessing major retail stores like Aerospostale, Victoria’s Secret, Forever 21, FootLocker, Macy’s, Gap, and more. The malls are two very helpful resources if your idea of a day trip is a shopping trip because we need to treat ourselves to a little something nice every now and then, right? And they also have a movie theatre where you can kick your feet up and enjoy a movie after being on your feet all day shopping.

White Plains also has restaurants and bars that act as popular scenes on weekend nights, like the bar/restaurant Brazen Fox and the club Don Coqui. You don’t just need a day trip near Pace to get away: sometimes a night trip will do the trick.


4. Lyndhurst Museum

A site for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, this Gothic revival country house is brimming with atmosphere. Whether you’re someone who appreciates gothic entertainment (like Edgar Allan Poe stories or Guilermo Del Toro movie) or not, the Lyndhurst Museum has the power to lure anyone in. The museum is in Tarrytown, so if you want a day trip to Tarrytown to feel more unique than shopping, eating, and river-viewing, then exploring this museum is definitely an option you should keep in mind. The tour is self-guided, so feel free to reign. Not all trips near Pace involve stunning Gothic architecture that transports you into another era.

5. Rockefeller State Park Preserve

A state park in Mount Pleasant, Rockefeller State Park Preserve is a good host for various activities such as jogging, bird-watching, horse-riding, and fishing. It is especially a beautiful place in autumn, and you can observe all the trees changing colors and the green, brown, orange, and yellow leaves falling to the ground. Sometimes a day trip to get away from the regular stresses of ordinary life doesn’t mean we have to do something extravagant or special – it really is just about getting away, sometimes in solitude, and relishing the nature around you that keeps doing its thing even when we’re so caught up in our own heads.

See Also

Rockefeller State Park Preserve is in Pleasantville and is only a five minute drive away from campus. That makes for a convenient and easy drive. Most day trips near Pace aren’t this close, so I advise you to take advantage before the weather becomes colder!


6. Stone Barnes Center for Food & Agriculture

A non-profit farm located in Pocantico Hills, Mount Pleasant, Stone Barnes Center is also an educational farm that has a partner restaurant called Blue Hill. The barn is known for promoting sustainable agriculture, local foods, and community-supported agricultures. The Blue Hill restaurants serve their food that was made with local ingredients.

You can see the vegetables growing in the farm as well as the livestock! You can book a weekend visit on their website. It’s a truly gorgeous site to visit for a day trip near Pace.

7. Manhattan

Hear me out: sometimes when we getaway, we want to really get away – aka, somewhere that is not Westchester County. One of the good things about the Pleasantville campus is its proximity to the Metro North Station, where one can take a train straight to Grand Central. There’s something about the city that attracts millions. All of the buildings, sights, the people, the atmosphere – it can take anyone’s breath away, especially when you go to school near a small village. You don’t even necessarily have to do anything expensive in Manhattan. Sometimes just being in the city is enough to refreshen you and remind you how vast the rest of the world is off the Pleasantville campus. If you can afford it, Manhattan is one of the best possible day trips near Pace to venture on.


Don’t be afraid to take a day off and take a mini-trip somewhere! Day trips near Pace can lift your mood and have you return back to your responsibilities with newfound energy!

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