Categories: Horoscopes

Dating Tips You Need To Follow According To Your Zodiac Sign

In order to make this short and sweet and to the point I have grouped together zodiac signs that I feel are most alike. I took into consideration what type of element (water, air, etc.) sign that you were and lined them up against your Zodiac sign characteristics and character flaws and strengths to create your one-stop-shop dating tip 101 guide to ultimately find you “The ONE”

1. Cancer and Pisces

I am a Pisces and will admit that I am going to be a bit biased towards the best sign there is and that is Pisces. Argue with your momma about this. Pisces, oh dear fellow Pisces. The world doesn’t understand you and will never understand you, as you are one of the most fragile sweet creatures that need protection from the modern world. Cancers, my creative over analytical water signs, far and wide, stop being closet emotional’s and stop over-analyzing every situation that presents itself to you. Being over-emotional is an issue both Pisces and Cancers have in that when they face even the most minor inconvenience, they will harness a grudge against you and won’t voice how they feel. To both of you beautiful water signs, pick and choose your battles. Not everything needs to be addressed and not everything is an issue. When you decide to venture out into the dating world my dear insightful water signs, I want you to remember to find your voice. You have a lot of valuable information to say and you invalidate yourself too often which leads to the people around you not knowing who you really are and getting a false sense of you as a person. Let people into your heart and stop being so guarded. Communication is key but too much communication is overbearing. A good Dating tip to remember, is that not everyone is going to consume you as a whole in the way you want to be presented, so start small and go big rather than the other way around. Whether you are dating around trying to find the one or you are dating just one significant other, remember to talk, but not too much. Choose your battles and let down your boundaries. Your oversensitivity to everything means you get hurt very easily and a lot, forgive and forget.

2. Libra and Sagittarius

I have a special place in my heart for both of these hard-headed signed as you both deeply value family and friend connections, love a great adventure and are restless go-getting, on the move signs. My mother was a Sagittarius and a good friend of mines was a Libra. The connection that I made, that links these two signs together is that both signs in my life have always been there for me to lend a compassionate ear when I needed to personally let off some steam. Although these signs both share HUGE hearts for their loved ones, I have found both of these signs to be a bit bossy and very blunt. As a fire sign Sagittarius’ doesn’t feel the need to beat around the bush and will give you any opinion, they have whether you ask for it or not, Libras do this as well. With that, they seem to lose touch with reality in that it is hard at times to reason with others because you fail to see the bigger picture. When dating and dealing with your significant other I want all Sagittarius’s to take away from this that you need to make a note that in order to not lose those people around you, you need to be able to put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes your “honesty” can come off a bit brutal and although you didn’t intend on hurting those around you, you did. To my Earth sign Libras, you are one of the most laid-back signs I’ve met in that sometimes just like Sag’s you distant yourself to the point where you become detached to the people around you. Good Dating tips for you to remember, is to get off your high horse once in a while and show others that you care about them, and not only on special holidays!

3. Leo and Aries

Probably one of the most talked-about signs on Twitter, and unfortunately, not in a good way. Both signs are deeply imaginative and have whimsical way of viewing the world and others around them. When both of these signs decide to enter the dating world, they need to remember that less is more! And also, please for everyone’s peace of mind, stop talking. Whether you want to admit it or not if you are an Aries (Fire sign) or a Leo (Fire sign) you are very possessive, and your personality is strong and dominating. You may not see yourself as this but your friends and family around you paint you as the star of the show or at least very egotistic. These are a couple of Dating tips you both need. 1 be quiet. 2 Listen. 3 not everyone wants to hear about you or your day 24/7 and there’s other things happening in the world to talk about rather than you! You as the subject of conversation is overbearing and it gets boring fast. If you can’t seem to at the very least, talk less, then please have other topics to talk about on a date other than yourself! Perfect dating tips would be to pick a topic, politics, health beauty, absolutely anything, don’t make every conversation with your significant other about you because they will get tired of you fast. Be interesting, look up current events be insightful about the world around you. And also stop being overly sensitive. You will hold a grudge and not address it for a lifetime. Let down your pride. At the end of the day everyone goes through this thing called life and what happens to you happens to everyone else too. Surprise! You’re not the only people on this planet.

4. Scorpio and Taurus

Yes, I am about to pair up a Scorpio with a Taurus and the reason being is that in my experience I’ve found both signs in my life to be extremely chill sweet innocent big-hearted signs. I have also found both signs to be stubborn and forceful at times and that stubbornness plays out throughout their whole life. Both signs have room for everyone in their heart and home but also when they disagree with you, they will cut you off no warning or notice and won’t really give you an explanation as to why, and what happened. Most of the time these signs are absolutely horrible at communication and that can lead to huge issues in the dating world. The Scorpio (water) Zodiac sign is very focused and ambitious but also can be extremely jealous and secretive because they lack communication to express themselves which leads to false assumptions being made about someone. Rather than having all these grievances and complexes in your head about someone, use your voice and voice your opinion. People these days aren’t going to take the time to spoon-feed you and adhere to your every need when you can’t even voice how you feel. Good dating tips for you and all-around tip would be to find your mouth and use it. Stop thinking for other people and feeling like there’s no use in communicating because it won’t solve anything. That doesn’t make sense and in the same breath, you are showing a lack of vulnerability, and that vulnerable side of ourselves ultimately makes us all human. Break down those barriers and let people in, please. The Taurus (earth) sign tends to be damaged goods stemming also from a lack of communication. What I mean by damaged goods is that you will take hurt and pain from one relationship and project that onto a brand-new relationship. Stop that. While being dependent and patient, you seem to lose your words as well, which stems from laziness and poor communication. Your constant stubbornness leads people to not want to be around you as often, when dating around, one tip to keep in mind is that you can’t assume that your partner knows everything about you. You need to effectively communicate with them so that way you can build a deeper and meaningful bond with them. Also, a relationship is about sacrifices and sacrifices must be made on your side as well. Not just your partners.

See Also

5. Gemini and Aquarius

The face of many faces, the Gemini. Oh, but don’t let the inquisitive Aquarius fool you either. Although Geminis are notoriously known for being two-faced Aquarius possess this trait as well and it comes up in a very sly way. With Geminis, you know what you’re getting right off the bat in that the first couple of months to a year they will show you who they really are, but an Aquarius is extremely smart cunning and manipulative. They know who to use, how, and when to use them. Because both signs play games with everyone, they meet in one way or another it creates an imaginary barrier that excludes themselves from the outside world. Tips both these signs need to heed in their dating life is that consistency is key. People by nature love routine, there are some oddballs out that will crave adventure and switch it up from time to time but for the most part, being consistent in everything you do is key for a successful dating life and finding you, potential mate! Also, one thing to note is that in everything you do you need to do with intention and own up to the actions you made. Key dating tips would be to stop playing the victim because with every story there are 2 sides and there’s truth to everything. When your significant other decides to hold you accountable for your actions. You own them and don’t back down and cower away from the truth because you feel that “it’s not you”, because although you fail to see it, someone does and you need to face the facts that you too have skeletons in your closet. Quit playing the victim.

6. Capricorn and Virgos

With the Capricorn being an earth sign and the Virgo being also being an Earth sign they are very traditional in their ways and love a good routine. On the surface, these signs may seem boring but are very complex in nature. Prideful. One word to describe both signs. Actions speak louder than words and although both signs show immense intelligence, that can only get you so far if you lack basic human skills. I found these signs to be very judgmental. These signs, when judging others, most of their arguments are backed up by a false sense of knowledge about how things work and the world around them. Oh, and let me not forget how argumentative these signs are. These signs can be very moody, harsh, fussy pessimistic and self-centered. If these signs want to be successful in the dating world, they need to educate themselves. Not on how the way the world works but educate themselves specifically on their significant other and to put down those prideful walls because you may think you know everything but essentially you only know what you know. You don’t know any and everything about everyone sot stop acting like it.

To reiterate I am not a self-proclaimed expert in the zodiac world. These opinions are general assumptions I’ve made up about these signs based on the many encounters I’ve had with these lovely people. Take these dating tips and feel free to apply them to your dating life. All around each sign has strengths and weaknesses and comparison is the thief of joy so don’t take this too serious as this is intended to be a lighthearted comprehensive analysis of all the signs. Any comments or suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments below and remember Pisces rule!

Featured Image Source:
Raven Bourne

My very first job was being a product consultant at Sephora so from an early ripe age of 18 I was thrusted into the beauty world. Then I went to college where I took on many social justice hats, became president of my lovely organization and also became a founder of a huge initiative for black history month at USF-Tampa that earned me an award for excellent leadership. In my free time, I write blogs, watch youtube documentaries on how to save the world and spend time with my favorite person in the world, my mom.

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