
These are the tips and tricks for the best ways women can make the first move! Women don't always have to wait for men to make the first move.
How Women Can Make The First Move And Not Be Afraid To

The idea of waiting for the guy to make the first move has been engraved…

The guys you meet on Tinder can be a serious hit or miss. That being said, here are just some of those guys you'll see on the dating app.
7 Types Of Guys You Meet On Tinder

In this social media age, we’ve been provided with dating apps as a way to…

Take a look at these signs you're not ready to start dating! These will help you get through tough times and start to think about dating again.
The True Signs You’re Not Ready To Start Dating Yet

If you’ve recently gone through a breakup, it might be tempting to jump back into…

Ever wondered what types of guys you meet in Boston? Well no worries, we've rounded up the typical men you can find everywhere.
7 Types Of Guys You Meet In Boston

Boston is a historic city filled with many interesting personalities. I lived in Boston for…

If you're struggling to make time for your S.O. because of school, then we have some helpful advice for you to spend more time with them!
How To Make Time For Your S.O. When School Starts

School’s coming back and in another couple of weeks you’ll be in focus-mode. You’ll probably…

Is it OK to be attracted to others when you're in a relationship? Would you want your significant other to be attracted to others while dating you?
Is It OK To Be Attracted To Others When You’re In A Relationship?

It is an automatic that when you are in a relationship, your sole attraction and…

There are a few scenarios when it's okay to ghost someone and when it's not okay. Ghosting can be cruel, but sometimes it is necessary.
When It’s Okay To Ghost Someone And When It’s Not

Today’s technology has changed almost all aspects of our lives, including dating. Back in our…

When you feel like you'll be single forever, you have to remember these few things. Bad times or uncertain times do not last forever.
When You Feel Like You’ll Be Single Forever Remember These Things

As someone who has been single for the majority of her life, I understand just…

When your S/O smokes and you don't, it can be a difficult thing to get over, deal with or convince him to stop. Here is how to date a smoker.
When Your S/O Smokes But You Don’t This Is How To Deal

A common phrase is “opposites attract.” This can be true but even if it isn’t,…

Check out these tips on how to tell him you're just not that into him. These tricks will let him down easy and you will feel relieved.
How To Tell Him You’re Just Not That Into Him Right Away

We’ve all been there, ladies. Whether we got approached by a creepy guy at a…