
Going on a first date can be nerve-wracking, but here is everything you need to know when tackling a first date in the state of Texas!
The Best Things To Do On A First Date In Texas

A date can be a scary, nerve-wracking thing. Especially if it’s your first date, whether…

Signs You Need To Break Up With Him
First Date Etiquette Every Girl Should Know

When heading off to that first date, make sure you are on your best behavior.…

These Tinder tips will help you up your profile game and get you to meet the person you're looking for! Here's how to make the perfect profile!
8 Best Ways To Meet Someone Outside Of Tinder

Meeting someone authentically has a lot of advantages over app dating. Don’t get me wrong,…

These are some of the best ways you can handle a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend with grace and integrity. Here's the way you can overcome it.
The 6 Lessons I Learned After Living With My Boyfriend For A Year

Getting married may be a dream for most people, even starting at a young age.…

Having space in a relationship can be a really important factor in a successful relationship. Here's how to cope when you need some space.
Romantic Ideas For Your Boyfriend That Scream I Love You

Christmas time is approaching, which means it is time to start thinking of the perfect…

The secret to having a successful relationship isn't as difficult as you may think. Here is everything you need to know about making things work!
8 Habits Of A Successful Relationship

Everyone always says things like trust, honesty, and faithfulness are what keeps a relationship together.…

Being in an interracial relationship can come with a lot of challenges. That being said, here are my tips for any interracial couples out there!
Tips For Anyone In An Interracial Relationship

Being in an interracial relationship is tough enough with all of the outside influences and…

Breaking up with someone can be a hard thing to do, but it's even harder when it's with a good guy. Here are some reasons why you should do it, though.
10 Reasons Breaking Up With A Perfectly Good Guy Is Okay

From an early age it is instilled in us to find ‘Mr Right’ and hold…

Wondering what guys look for in a girlfriend? There are so many different traits and characteristics that go into a relationship, here's what to know!
The 10 Things Every Guy Looks For In A Girlfriend

It’s a common conversation point among females that they don’t have a clue what men…

What you're like in bed can honestly be determined by your sign. Here is everything that your horoscope has to say about your sex life!
What Your Sign Says About What You’re Like In Bed

I’m sure we all hope to have some sort of concrete understanding of our capabilities.…