
It used to be that it was expected a guy would make the first move in a relationship. But times have changed. The new age woman is now more bold, fierce and confident in being direct by making first advances towards the guy she wants. Here's how to make the first move on a guy.
Ladies: Here’s How To Make The First Move On A Guy

It’s always been an unwritten rule that a guy should always be the one to…

Is chivalry dead? Has it become a foreign concept in the dating world today? Do women even know what chivalry is and looks like? When it comes to men, women and dating, here's my opinion on whether or not chivalry still exists.
Is Chivalry Dead? Or Have Women Become ‘Settlers’?

Is chivalry dead? Has it become a foreign concept in the dating world today? Do…

People often think that the spark dies in a long-term relationship, and while that may be true sometimes, it's possible to keep it going. With a little work, you can keep it going forever. here are 10 tips for how to keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship.
10 Tips For How To Keep The Spark Alive In A Long-Term Relationship

There are so many movies, books, poems, and songs, all about love. But what’s so…

When people start darting or even new relationships, sometimes they play hard to get because they thinks this makes them more desirable. Here's an inside look on whether playing hard to get actually works.
Playing Hard To Get: Does It Actually Work?

I am no scientist, however I have done extensive google research over the past half…

Dating is hard enough before adding in the factor of where exactly to go on your dates. Add to that the very limited options of a small town and it can almost seem like a lost cause. You have to get creative at some point, so here are some small town date ideas for when you're at a loss of ideas.
10 Small Town Date Ideas When There’s Nothing To Do

Dating is hard enough before adding in the factor of where exactly to go on…

She never texts you first? She's always bailing last minute on plans? It's probably because shes just not that into you. Don't ignore these signs, you'll just end up wasting your time.
10 Signs She’s Just Not That Into You

Everyone goes through life shamelessly wasting their energy on a girl who has absolutely zero…

Open communication and honesty is a must in order for a relationship to work. Especially when it comes down to what pleases you in the bedroom. It's important to tell you partner what please you in bed for so many reason, especially if you want a good sex life!
Here’s Why You Should Tell Your Partner What Pleases You In Bed

Everyone loves having sex. Banging against a headboard while screaming from the top of your…

What is real love? To me, it is being with your soulmate. The person that through good and bad times, you both stay down for one another and your love only grows stronger and deeper each day.
The Search For Real Love: Is It Becoming Extinct?

What is real love? To me, it is being with your soulmate. The person that…

n this current generation, people are acknowledging and demanded to only be associated with people who keep it real a.k.a. real ones. A real one can be any person in your life who is always themselves and keeps it 100 at all times with you.
5 Ways To Tell You’re Dealing With A ‘Real One’

Too often in life, we are surrounded by people who are the definition of fake.…

At one point or another in our lives, we have experienced being in a situationship. So what is a situationship? A situationship is when you are dealing with a guy, giving him all the benefits of being an actual relationship but, you two aren’t actually in one so there's no commitment.
What Is A Situationship Vs An Actual Relationship?

Ladies, at one point or another in our lives, we have experienced being in a…