
8 Things To Consider Before Moving In With Your Partner

8 Things To Consider Before Moving In With Your Partner

Moving in with your partner is an exciting time - but it is also a massive change. How can you…

6 years ago

The Top Ten Breakup Anthems Your Soul Needs

Heartbroken? Not left your bed in days? Eaten your weight in Ben & Jerry's? Worry no more! Here's our list…

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8 Signs You Don’t Want To Settle Down Just Yet

When you reach a certain age, you feel as if you're expected to settle down and find a nice person…

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A Guy’s Guide: What To Do When She’s Mad At You

Welcome back to A Guy's Guide! She's mad at you, huh? I've been there, done that, let's see what we…

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Top 5 Interesting First Date Ideas

The dreaded first date, where relationships are either made or killed before they even begun. The first dates leave the…

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Top 5 Worst First Date Ideas

Everyone's always excited for a first date! You met this person you vibe with, and here's your chance to make…

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Why Long Distance Relationships Are Beneficial

Relationships are challenging as they are. There needs to be a fine line of balance between yourself and your significant…

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10 Couples Costumes You Gotta Try This Halloween

There are some pretty iconic couples costumes out there. From Ross and Rachel to Jim and Pam, the best couples…

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How To Know If Your Relationship Is Healthy Or Toxic

Relationships are tricky. All of them. Your best friend whom you talk to every day? That's a relationship — a non-romantic…

6 years ago

Are Your Expectations Too High For Your SO?

Expectations are too high because we've watched too many rom-coms and read too many fictional books about the 'gentleman'. Going…

6 years ago