
15 Signs She’s The One

15 Signs She’s The One

Being a college student, you sometimes can feel the pressure of needing to find that perfect someone who you can…

8 years ago

10 Things You Should Do If You Think Your Roommate Needs Help For A Mental Illness

College is a time for experiencing new and unfamiliar adventures. These will be the years you figure out what you…

8 years ago

Dating Truths You Wish You Knew Before Freshman Year

Dating is complicated, especially when you are starting your freshman year with all new people and new experiences! Once you…

8 years ago

20 Things Every Couple Can Relate To If They’re Pretty Much The Same Person

It is believed that nothing is better than dating a carbon copy of yourself. Although opposites attract, dating someone so…

8 years ago

What It’s Like To Be Motherless On Mother’s Day

A Motherless Mother’s Day We’ve all been forced, at least once, in our elementary school career, to make a ‘coupon…

8 years ago

12 Signs You’ve Fallen In Love

So, you've been in a steady relationship for quite some time now. You or your partner may have started doing…

8 years ago

10 Reasons Why Removing A Toxic Relationship From Your Life Will Make You Happier Than Ever

A toxic relationship. You're probably thinking, "how did I end up in one?" One moment your relishing in the honey moon…

8 years ago

10 Reasons Your Dad Is The Only Man You Need In Your Life

If there's one man who will always be there for you, it's your dad. He has helped you grow into…

8 years ago

23 Fun And Unique First Date Ideas

Going on your first date with a boy/girl can be really stressful. Planning that date can be even more stressful.…

8 years ago

10 Things Every Daughter Wants Her Mom To Know

Being away at college can be very exciting. The idea of being independent 24/7 is definitely something to look forward…

8 years ago