10 Cute Date Ideas In Providence

Providence is the perfect place to go to school because there are so many things to do off campus! From going to a baseball game, or to the zoo, you’ll have a hard time deciding. It is a quick train ride to Boston and fairly close to Newport so you aren’t limited to merely the city! Check out these cute date ideas in Providence!
1. Dave and Busters in the Providence Place Mall!
Dave and Busters is the perfect place for a low key, fun date. It’s a change up from the typical movie and dinner because you can compete against each other and win each other cute prizes. And if you’ve ever seen the movie, The Duff, you know that the describe it as the BEST date place!
2. The perfect fall date at the Jack O Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Zoo.
If you’re looking for cute date ideas in Providence during the fall, this is the one for you! The entirety of Roger Williams Park Zoo in downtown providence is covered in jack-o-lanterns. It is one of the best things about providence, so even if you’re going on a “treat yo’ self” solo date, check it out before you graduate!
3. Spend a day in Boston.
Obviously Boston is not in Providence, but it is a 45 minute, $21 round trip MBTA ride away! You can take the T to South Station and from there, the city is your oyster! Catch a Red Sox game, go to the Aquarium, eat at Quincy Market, or wander around the Freedom Trail. You can make this a multiple trip date idea because it’s the best city ever and there is so much to explore!
4. Explore Newport!
Again, not in Providence, but since everything in RI is super close, you can take a cutesy day trip down to Newport to walk around the island. Check out fabulous restaurants and shops galore for an incredible day! Make your way to the beach and climb the giant lifeguard chairs for the perfect photo op and then kill 2 birds with one stone on the cliff walk: get your exercise and see one of the hallmarks of Rhode Island!
5. Take pictures of the cute animals at the Roger Williams Park Zoo.
Roger Williams Park Zoo is one of the best zoos out there. Take a 5 min drive to downtown and spend the day with the animals taking selfies! While you’re at the zoo, you can meander over to Thayer for coffee and ice cream to make the most wonderful, relaxing day!
6. Try new eats at the Food Truck Rally!
Every Friday, Providence holds a food truck rally. You can pick and choose what you want to eat and try so many different things. Its fun to check out new things and sit around while people play lawn games, socialize and enjoy greasy, delicious food.
7. Go to Waterfire!
THE staple of Providence! Once a month, the river by the mall is lit up with fire to create this once in a lifetime experience. It is truly a sight to behold any time of year. They hold special ones like the Breast Cancer one in October, so stop on by, but be prepared to have a lack of parking and an influx of people! This will be one of the most memorable date ideas in Providence, you have to go!
8. Get fresh produce at the farmers market on Hope St.
Every Saturday morning, there is a farmer’s market on Hope St. It is incredible. The family vibe and engaging nature of every vendor is one that will keep you coming back for more. There are food spots, fresh veggies, crafts, thrift sales, and so so much more.
*as a bonus there is a family of Bernese mountain dogs that frequent it around 10 am every weekend*
9. Go to a Paw Sox Game!
The Pawtucket Red Sox are one of the best sporting events to attend because the tickets are cheap and it feels like you’re at a Boston Red Sox game! You see old favorites who are rehabbing and up and coming players! The cheese fries are also amazing!
10. Go to the Beach!
Misquamicut, Narragansett, Newport! All of these beaches are within easy driving distances! You spend the day relaxing at Squam, venture out to dinner in Westerly, and then pop over to Watch Hill to see Taylor Swift’s house and watch the sunset at the lighthouse!
What are other cute date ideas in Providence? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: favim.com and rhodeislandrocks.wordpress.com
Bailey is a psychology major at Providence College and lives in Lenox, MA. She is hopelessly addicted to coffee and if you buy her an iced caramel with cream, she’ll love you forever!