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Daring Makeup Looks To Try ASAP

Daring Makeup Looks To Try ASAP

This past year so a change in the beauty world. While soft glam makeup is always great sometimes it can be fun to be a bit more adventurous. It’s become even more popular to really go the extra mile with makeup and to try different things. Below are a few daring makeup looks everyone should definitely try as soon as humanly possible. Makeup is a form of self-expression, and there’s nothing wrong with being loud with your style. These daring makeup looks will turn heads and the best part about this list is that the majority of these looks are pretty easy to achieve. You don’t have to be a beauty guru to recreate these looks. All it takes is some eyeshadow and a good eyeliner. Anyone and everyone can rock the looks below.  

1. Graphic Orange

This look is pretty easy to recreate. While some of these other makeup looks might require some skill this one is pretty simple. All you need is one color on your lid, blend it out all over, add an intense graphic liner and add some of that eyeshadow to your nose. 


2. Blue Lines

This daring makeup look is all about chaos, which is great. This is another look that is relatively simple. Find a blue liner or use an angled brush to layer on strokes of the deep blue shade. 

3. Studded Eyes

You can’t have a daring makeup look without acknowledging HBO’s “Euphoria”. Maddy, like the rest of the cast, definitely showed off daring makeup looks. The one below being one of her more iconic looks. Completely lining your eye with studs might be time consuming but it will definitely be worth it. 


4. Red Eyes

Get bold with your brightest red eyeshadow. Cover your entire lid and angle it out. If you have red mascara make sure to put that on, especially your bottom lashes. Wear a lighter pink lip but line your lips with red to make them pop. 

5. Barely Bitten

This is definitely an edgy makeup look. You can either leave your lips your natural color or use concealer to cover the outer rim of your mouth. Use a lip stain to add just enough red and then apply gloss. The messier the better. 


6. Glossy

Really bring out every aspect of your face with this glossy makeup look. Use the same or similar shade of pink on lids, nose and mouth. Then get crazy with the gloss. 


7. Bow Liner

This is a daring makeup look that’s tame enough to wear in a normal setting. Apply your eye look like you naturally would put instead of simply ficking your liner out tie it in a cute little bow. 

8. Flower Power

What’s better than drawing flowers on your face? Gluing flower to your face. Find some artificial flowers that you like and match them to your eyeshadow. Be sure to apply it with an adhesive meant to be worn on your face, not actual glue. 


9. Art All Over

This is one of the more daring looks on this list. It might take some bravery to wear this but it will definitely be worth it. This look would be perfect for a music festival rather than the typical glitter. Everyone will think you’re a piece of art. 


10. Orange All Over

Get your favorite orange eyeshadows and basically use them to cover your entire face. Use it as eyeshadow, blush going across the nose and find a liquid orange lip that will pull it all together. The stars are the icing on the cake. 

11. Color Blocking

This is a beautiful look. Use orange to carve out your cheeks like they did in the ’80s. If you can’t free hand the stars there are eyeshadow stamps out there that come in star shapes. 


12. Red Wing

This is a simpler look that is still incredibly bold. Use a liquid eyeliner to create this strong wing. Top it off with some gloss and a soft look for the rest of the face. This look would even be cute for a date. 

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13. Water Color

This look might require some practice to perfect but it will definitely look beautiful once completed. This makeup look is an absolute work of art. If you’ve ever wanted to look like a river goddess this is the look for you. 


14. Pretty In Pink

Cover your eyes with a deep mauve look with a softer pink in the middle of your lid. Really be generous with your blush and apply just a bit on your nose. 

15. Stringy

This string look is definitely a unique look. This is something that will impress many people. Make sure the rest of your face is more tame to not take away from the lines. If you don’t want to actually apply string to your face you could definitely just draw those lines on your face using an eyeliner. 


16. Flower Power

Become the flower child of your dreams with this look. These three colors look amazing together and will look even better on your face. Line your eyeshadow with a blue liner and use yellow on your inner eye. The flowers don’t have to be perfect, a little messiness makes it look more authentic. 


17. Tears

This is almost exactly what you don’t want your makeup to do, run down your face. But when done on purpose it looks kind of amazing. Use a slight purple color on your actual lid and line your eyes with gold and cover the top lashes with gold mascara. Then go crazy recreating tears below your eyes dripping down to your cheeks. 

18. Clean Lines

THis look is all about clean lines. Really make sure that your lines are as smooth as you can possibly make them. What’s nice about this look is that the lines are a little thicker than other licks so you have some room for error. 


What daring makeup looks would you try? Comment below!