10 Cutest TV Couples Of All Time

Cute TV couples make us all feel warm and fuzzy inside and remind us that love isn’t dead – at least not completely. Here are the ten cutest TV couples of all time!
1. Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt – Charmed
Charmed had a lot of really cute couples – but this with and whitelighter duo were definitely the cutest. Piper fell for Leo only a few episodes into the show, but soon discovered he was a whitelighter – a type of magical being that is banned from being in a relationship with a witch. Following that revelation, Leo became human so he could be with Piper, but then took his powers back to save her life. They became a couple, got married against the wishes of Leo’s bosses, had two sons, broke up and got back together – then Leo became human permanently so that he would age at the same rate as Piper. Then they got torn apart by the Angel of Destiny, but reunited at the end of the series. They faced hundreds of demons, both physical and metaphorically, but stayed together all their lives. The best example of true love.
2. Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago – Brooklyn Nine Nine
These two are the most adorable couple on TV right now. The straight-laced Amy and the chaotic Jake are polar opposites – yet they make the perfect couple. It was obvious from the start of the show that Jake had a crush on Amy, but she did not seem to reciprocate. Over time, their friendship blossomed into romance and they became a couple. Jake supports Amy and keeps her from flying off the rails through stress, whilst Amy keeps Jake grounded all whilst encouraging him to be his usual crazy self. Their wedding was almost destroyed by a bomb, but their marriage has been solid.
3. Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence – Boy Meets World
They were the couple we all wanted to be. Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence from the moment they kissed against the lockers when they were just children were the epitome of true love. Initially, Cory thought Topanga was weird – but slowly he became enamoured by it. They had a lot of ups and downs, fights, break ups, the entire Lauren mess, but they always found their way back to each other. Cory’s speech about “what love is” is one of the most famous TV quotes of all time. Good news is that they both went on to star in the spinoff series, Girl Meets World, where they were just as happy as ever and they had two wonderful children.
4. Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls – Veronica Mars
At the start of Veronica Mars, Veronica was infatuated with her ex-boyfriend Duncan who was genuinely duller than dishwater. Thankfully, Duncan moved away to Australia with the secret baby he had and Veronica moved onto a much more interesting character – Logan Echolls. Ignoring the fact that he was Veronica’s dead best friend’s boyfriend, Logan and Veronica were perfect. They were both impulsive, strong-willed, fiery, and their love was palpable. Logan may have been a bully to start with, but Veronica brought out the best in him. They were one of the cutest TV couples of the noughties.
5. Mick St. John and Beth Turner – Moonlight
Buffy and Angel were cute, Elena and Damon were hot, and Bella and Edward created worldwide mania even if their relationship was kinda creepy. None of them compare to this vampire/human love story, though. Mick St. John was an army soldier who was turned into a vampire by his wife, and now he’s a private investigator trying to fight injustice using his vampire senses. Beth Turner is a magazine reporter who Mick’s wife kidnapped when she was a child. Mick rescued her and spent the rest of her life watching from afar to make sure she never got into trouble again. When she did, he was there to rescue her. The two fell in love and became a couple, but the series was cancelled before we found out how they would make the human/vampire thing work. Still the most beautiful love story around.
6. The Doctor and Rose Tyler – Doctor Who
People have argued for years over whether The Doctor should have a romantic interest in his companion – or anyone for that matter. Undoubtedly, though, there was something real between him and Rose – in both his Ninth and Tenth forms. Rose gave up a life on Earth to travel with The Doctor because she said he showed her “a better way of living your life”. No matter how dangerous things got, Rose refused to leave and promised to stay with The Doctor forever. In the end, however, they were separated when Rose was dragged through a portal to another dimension and trapped there. Even still, she fought for years to break through the barrier and return to her Doctor. Ultimately, they didn’t end up together – but Rose did get to be with his clone, so there’s that.
7. Ted Mosby and Tracy McConnell (AKA The Mother) – How I Met Your Mother
Fans waited years to find out who The Mother was in How I Met Your Mother, and when we did, we were not disappointed. Tracy was everything the mother needed to be. Sweet, funny, feisty, and as much of a dork as Ted. They only got one season to show us their relationship through flash forwards – but that was all we needed to see how perfect they were together. Finding out what the future held for them was the worst part of the finale, and most fans refuse to forgive the writers for it.
8. Monroe and Rosalee Calvert – Grimm
There are no TV couples better suited to one another than Monroe and Rosalee. Even though their Wessen races were enemies, they were perfect for each other. They were both super intelligent, caring, loving people who stood together against the evil that was constantly hunting them down. When their families disapproved of their relationships, they stood firm and refused to let it break them. They were the most adorable.
9. Eric Forman and Donna Pinciotti – That 70s Show
Eric and Donna were the classic love story. Two neighbours who had been friends since they were babies and realised they had feelings for each other once they reached their teens. Their relationship wasn’t perfect. Eric was so in love with Donna and pictured them having a traditional 70s lifestyle with marriage and babies. Donna was an early feminist and wanted to have freedom and a career. Together they worked through these issues and formed a strong, stable partnership filled with love and joy. They did break up again in the final season when Topher Grace left the show to be in Spider-Man 3, but they got back together in the finale.
10. Clark Kent and Lois Lane – Smallville
Clark spent almost eight whole seasons pining over Lana Lang even though we all knew eventually he would have to end up with Lois Lane. When he did, it was beautiful. Their love was real and grown up in a way Clark and Lana’s never was, and Lois pushed Clark to not only be the best superhero he could be, but also the best person he could be. They completed each other and their chemistry always jumped off the screen.