Cute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas You’ve Never Thought Of

Finding great Valentine’s Day gifts is always stressful. With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the gifting season continues on. For you, we compiled a list of unique gifts you probably never thought of getting your partner. This way, you can show your significant other just how much they mean to you, all while keeping your wits about you and having more time and energy to spend making memories with them.
52 reasons why you love your partner.
This is a DIY that costs no more than a deck of cards and a sharpie. Buy a deck of cards and on each one, write 1 reason why you love and are happy to be with your partner. This not only makes for a cute and thoughtful gift they will never expect but give you the opportunity to get really personal and unique.
Share inside jokes and laughs by customizing your love deck whichever way you want! Maybe even get creative and glue pictures onto the cards. The beauty of this gift is you can go as far as you want, and keep them forever.
An experience rather than a gift.
Instead of spending your Valentine’s Day money on something material, buy you and your partner an experience you will remember for much longer. Whether it’s a day at the spa for the two of you, a surprise weekend getaway or even saving up for a long-vacation a few weeks later.
Your partner may appreciate this gesture more than any book, necklace or watch you could get them.
A pamper day for your partner (you not included).
Sometimes, a really beautiful gift is some relaxing alone time you can give to your partner. Some may think a selfless gift like this is even more romantic than dinner together. It really shows that you care for your partner’s well-being by giving them a relaxing time alone to deflate, reflect and come back to you feeling even more themselves.
Buy your partner a gift card to a spa experience for one, a manicure or facial to feel pampered, or even just clean up their apartment, buy them their favourite ice cream and run them a bubble bath all before you leave them to themselves to enjoy. We all need a little alone time and showing them that you support this will mean the world to them.
A social media account dedicated to your love.
If your partner is obsessed with social media or loves taking photos to make memories with you, this gift may be for them. Create a new Instagram account, set it to public or private (whatever you think they feel more comfortable with) and post photos, videos and memories of the two together.
You can have as much fun with this as you want by adding cute comments on every picture, funny tags and even getting friends accounts involved! You can even keep posting after Valentine’s Day and have this Instagram as a cute and personal way to always have your memories together.
Planning a cute night for the two of you.
What we mean by planning a cute night is exactly this- you do all the planning this Valentine’s Day. Maybe your significant other has been swamped by work or school and you know they’ve been stressed about planning this Valentine’s Day. Perfect for you, a great gift would be to say “Hey, babe, don’t worry about the plans, I got this”. Then, continue to plan an amazing night that your significant other would love.
This is so thoughtful and shows how much you appreciate your partner and are willing to take some stress off their shoulders in a time of need. It’s also a great way to surprise them.