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10 Cute Gym Outfits You Can Wear To Class

10 Cute Gym Outfits You Can Wear To Class

These trendy gym outfits can be worn to the gym and to class when there isn't time to change. All these styles can help you look good when you're on the go!

You want to keep your grades high while also staying in shape – let’s be honest it’s everyone’s dream. Especially while in college, we can be pretty limited on time, making it difficult to find the time to go home just to change our clothes. In order to save us some time, here are some cute gym outfits for when you have no time to change in between the gym and class!

1. Mesh Leggings

You’ve probably noticed a lot of girls in last few months wearing these kinds of leggings. It is definitely trending right now. Different from plain black leggings, the mesh leggings give something extra. You can achieve being comfortable while staying chic with these leggings.

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2. Strap Detailed Leggings

Strappy shoes and sandals will be really popular this summer. So why not have straps in your leggings? The strap details on the calves look super cute, but can also look kinda sexy depending on the color and design you choose. If you want to make your sporty look a little more trendy, try this style.

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3. Sweatsuit

If you are anti-leggings (like me) you can of course go with a more comfortable, loose option. If you are planning on doing more of a light workout and won’t be breaking much of a sweat, there is no reason for you to not wear a comfy sweatsuit to both the gym and class.


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4. Joggers

With this style, you are able to adjust the fit with a drawstring, so you don’t have to worry about them falling off as you workout. The semi-loose fit will keep you looking good while being able to get a good workout in as well. Also, if you’re a fan of bold sneakers, you can really emphasize your shoe with a plain pair of joggers.

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5. Sweater On Top

This may be more of a fall or winter look for some, but if you’re living in a colder region or you normally work out at night, you can definitely try this one out. Especially with black and gray leggings, you will have a wider range of sweaters to choose from. Sweaters overall go pretty well with sporty bottoms, especially leggings. You can wear a sports-bra underneath and still feel cozy.


6. White Leggings

If you are tired of the basic dark-colored leggings, just go for white ones! They won’t look too much like workout clothes especially if they are full-length and have some details. You can stand out in the gym with the light and uncommon color, while also looking presentable for class.


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7. Layers

Layering is the key to workout fashion. Depending on which sports bra and top you match, you can create a variety of different looks. You can layer an open back top in order to show your sports bra underneath, which looks super cute. There are a million different ways to layer, and you do not have to stay in one range of color. This look is great for both working out and going to class.

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8. Hoodie

Don’t worry! I did not forget about hoodies. How can we talk about cute workout outfits without hoodies? This can be one of the easiest choices you can make when choosing your workout clothes since you can cover up with the hoodie during class, and either take it off or wear it during your workout.

See Also
White swimsuits are a great staple to have in the summer. With the weather hot, white bikinis are ideal to lay out in the hazy sun. Your beach days are about to get brighter!

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9. Back Details

If you don’t want any ordinary workout top, you can always look for one with some details on the back. Your professor won’t notice your revealed back, but students sitting behind you can get a sneak peek of your cute sports bra.

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10. Prints And Patterns

Workout clothes tend to be a little boring sometimes. There are some bright colors to choose from, but the patterns can make you really stand out. By wearing unique patterned leggings or shorts, it makes it a little less obvious that you are heading to the gym after your class.

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These 10 gym outfits can be worn all day long, whether you’re going to the gym or to class. What are your favorite things to wear to the gym? Let me know in the comments!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

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