Cute Gym Hairstyles You Need To Try

If you struggle to find the motivation to work out, let these cute gym hairstyles inspire you! Whether you are an amateur braider or a professional stylist, there are hairstyles here for you. Pull up your hair and get after that workout!
1. Classic Pigtails
These classic pigtail braids are cute, simple, and versatile! If you need a quick gym hairstyle, this is the one for you. Simply part your hair in the middle and braid both sides. You can start at your scalp for more volume if you are feeling fancy. If you need to cover up greasy hair, you can throw on a baseball cap and pull out your framing hairs for a naturally messy look. This is the classic gym girl style.
2. Bubble Braids
If you lack skills in the hair braiding department, this is the gym hairstyle for you! This style gives your hair volume while creating the illusion that your hair is braided! You will need several elastics and a comb. Start by sectioning off a piece of hair at your scalp. Secure the section with an elastic, and continue adding hair and tying it off with elastics until you reach your neck. Once you have added all your hair into the braid, you can evenly space elastics over your ends to create a “bubble” look. You can pull the sections apart to create volume, or leave the braids pulled back tightly.
3. Faux Fishtail
This gym hairstyle is perfect for beginning braiders. You can make one braid down the front, two pigtail braids, or a framing braid at your scalp. The options are endless with these braids! You will need several elastics to create this look. Tie your hair back into a ponytail, and tie another elastic a few inches below the first one. Pull your hair apart to create a hole between the elastics and flip your ends through the hole. Repeat these steps until you reach the end of your hair. You may want to flip your ends into a bun for a polished look if you have long hair. You can also add a baseball cap for a cute accessory.
4. Braided Ponytail
If you feel adventurous with your gym hairstyles, try this braided ponytail! You can do this style with any length of hair. Simply braid your hair with a Dutch braid along your hairline. Once you reach the base of your neck, you can tie off the braid and add it to your ponytail. Pull apart the strands of the braid to give your hair a volumized look. This is the perfect way to spice up your boring ponytail!
5. Rope Braid
I love this braid because you can wear it in so many different ways! You can do French rope braid pigtails, one braid down the back, or a rope braided ponytail. For the gym, I recommend doing the French version. Pick up two pieces of hair at your hairline and twist the bottom piece over the top piece. Add some hair into the new bottom piece, and continue twisting and adding hair until you reach the base of your neck. Finish off the braid by twisting your ends in the same direction and across each other. You’re all set to hit the gym!
6. Braided Bun
This braided bun is super simple for busy mornings! You can pair this style with a baseball cap or headband if you want. Simply grab a chunk of hair at the top of your head and do a regular braid. Add the braid into a messy bun, and you’re done! You can pull out short hairs to frame your face or leave the style slicked back. This is the perfect style for girls who want to change up their regular messy bun!
7. Double Buns
These buns are perfect for any length of hair! This is one of the quickest and easiest styles to do for the gym. If you need a good messy bun tutorial, I recommend looking on Pinterest or TikTok for inspiration. You’ll be a messy bun expert in no time with those tutorials! For this style, part your hair in the middle and create two low messy buns. You can top the buns with a headband or baseball cap if you need an extra accessory!
8. Fancy Ponytail
This fancy ponytail is whatever you make it. You can make one single braid on top of your head, two braids together, or just twist a few strands together. The point of this style is to give your boring ponytail some volume! This is the perfect style for long-haired gals. If you are squeezing a trip to the gym in between appointments, you can style your hair for both events with this look.
9. Claw Clip
The claw clip is all the rage in the hairstyle world. These clips keep your hair pulled back while preventing kinks and headaches. If you don’t own at least one claw clip, you need to get one! I recommend getting multiple sizes for versatility. You can also braid a few strands of hair before you pull it back. This is the perfect style to dress up or down if you run errands after the gym. You need to try this simple gym hairstyle the next time you work out!
10. Pull-Through Ponytail
This is the perfect gym hairstyle for girls with long, thick hair. Start by sectioning off the top half of your hair. Make sure to leave the bottom half of your hair down. Divide the top half of your hair into two large chunks and twist them together twice. Wrap the ends of the twisted pieces around the rest of your hair and secure them with an elastic. You can tighten the ponytail or leave it loose. If you need to cover up greasy hair, you can add a headband or baseball cap.