Categories: Sex & Dating

Cute Fall Date Ideas You And Your SO Will Love

Fall dates seems so cozy as the weather gets cooler and you bundle up with flannels and beanie as the leaves start to change. This is my favorite season as it is to so many others. Here are some cute fall date ideas to do this upcoming season.

Go Apple Picking

Fall dates seem to scream apple picking and going to apple orchards. There’s something about fall that makes me want to be outside with the trees and enjoy the nice weather. Apple picking is a classic fall date idea. Apple orchards really tend to pick up during this time and it’s a nice outdoor activity to do when you’re tired of being indoors or going to restaurants. Apple orchards are a great location to head to and if you’re of the legal age you can even pick up some fresh apple cider for adults or regular apple cider if you prefer your drinks unspiked.

Enter A Corn Maze

Fall dates are going to your local corn maze. If the idea of large corn stalks hovering over you doesn’t faze you than going to a corn maze and getting lost for a little bit is fun and seems like such a great fall activity. Bundle up with a flannel and boots and get ready to go on a little adventure of being lost in nothing for a while.

Go To A Pumpkin Patch

Fall is the season of pumpkins. You have pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin patches, jack o lanterns, etc. Go to a pumpkin patch and each of you tries to find your preferred pumpkin and see who can make the better jack-o-lantern. The competition will be fun and it’s a nice activity for you guys to try. Plus you can take cute photos at the pumpkin patch and whilst carving the pumpkins to remember this festive moment.

Drive Around

Fall dates equal that nice autumn weather which is why this might seem simple but it is really a nice idea. On a cool night, each of you could create a small playlist of songs that you think the other might like and songs that remind you of the other person and play it during your drive. Stop and park near a lake or park and stare at the night sky. If you’re not in an overlit city there will probably be a nice amount of stars in the sky. You two can lean against the car and look up into the night sky and just enjoy each other’s company for the night.

Go to A Haunted House

Fall dates mean going to a haunted house. A haunted house is a house that is being inhabited by disembodied spirits or deceased former residents. This idea works well in the spooky month of October on all hallows eve however if you don’t have a legitimate haunted house you can go for one that has scare actors. Scare actors are those who put on a persona of their actor whether that be a mummy, a ghost of a dead bride, or an ax murderer the options for scare actors are endless. The point of them is to stay hidden in the shadows or behind a fake wall or something of that sort so when you’re walking through the house and are about to turn a corner they let out a piercing scream or jump out at you causing you to yell or to run in a different direction where most likely there’s another scare actor waiting for you. Although there are some year-round haunted houses filled with scare actors you’re more likely going to find haunted houses pop-ups that usually appear the month of October when more people are willing to get spooked. If you’re looking for a thrill and a way to get your heart pumping a haunted house will surely do this. Just be sure about what you guys could handle and even though getting scared might be fun if you’re a fainter I’d suggest trying something else as this idea might not be for you. This also gives you an excuse to jump into the arms of your date.

See Also

Bake Seasonal Treats Together

The seasonal Pillsbury sugar cookies really get me happy and looking forward to different seasons. Buy a packet of those and the ingredients to make a seasonal pie (i.e. pumpkin or apple pie) and invite your date over. It’ll be cute. You can let each other frost the sugar cookies and taste test them whilst you’re getting your pies ready. You can even use apples that you picked or the pumpkins that you got from the pumpkin patch together. Seasonal foods really add to date and while you’re baking you can even try some of that apple cider that you picked up from the apple orchard. This is a cute simple idea and get a cute container for your date to bring home some of the cookies and pies that the two of you made together.

Host A Bonfire Together

There’s something about being outside while air is nice and crisp that I find so comforting. Hosting a bonfire is a great idea to spend time with your date and friends outside in perfect fall weather. Gather some firewood and be around the crackling fire with friends just seem like a nice idea and really makes you feel happy. Bring hot dogs so you can roast them over the wood or bring marshmallows, graham crackers, and mini chocolate bars to make smores. Smores are a great idea to add to bonfires. Plus you get to know things about your date that you probably never would have known like does he prefer his marshmallows barely toasted or burnt and ooey-gooey. Are they a sweet or savory type of person(i.e. hotdogs or smores)? Are they polite? If you shiver because of the cool air will they wrap you around a blanket or let you borrow your jacket? A bonfire with hot dogs or smores is the perfect way to end a nice night and you can spend some time around a warming fire and staring up at the night sky. This idea is a must for any cute fall ideas. You can even double date with your friends or host a bonfire at the beach. Just make sure you always practice fire safety, you don’t want anyone getting burned.

Tell us what fall dates you look forward to doing this spooky season.

Bianca Zaniboni

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