10 Crockpot Meals For A College Student

As a college student having the same meals repeatedly can get tired and boring. Money is tight and you don’t always have the time to cook a good meal. I’m here to tell you that the craving for a good home cooked meal can be easily fulfilled by a crockpot meal. Crockpot meals are great because you can leave them cooking while you conquer some of the many tasks of the day and then you get to come back to a delicious meal! Here is a list of tasty and easy meals for you to try and even share with your friends! (Oh and don’t worry, you don’t have to be good at cooking to make these meals.)
1. Pulled Pork
Pulled Pork is one of my personal favorites. I can start it before I leave for class and it’s ready for dinner. Make pulled pork sandwiches and save the leftovers to use later in the week for more sandwiches or even on nachos or tacos. This meal is sure to please…just ask my roommates, they are always requesting it.
2. Buffalo Chicken sliders
These sliders are delicious and you can even add a kick to them if you are in the mood for something a little hot. Similar to pulled pork, they make a perfect meal and leftovers!
3. Chicken tortilla soup
This crockpot meal is good comfort food. Easy to make and delicious. What more could you ask for? This is also great for when you are feeling a little under the weather.
4. Chili
Chili is an easy and tasty meal to make. Just toss your ingredients in a crockpot for six to eight hours and its done.
5. BBQ Ribs
Ribs is one of those meals that seems like it has to take a lot of work but not this one! Ribs is sure to give you a fulfilling meal with little work. You will have everyone thinking you are a chef in no time.
6. Lazy Day Lasagna
You can never go wrong with pasta. This crockpot meal puts a little bit of a twist on the way you would normally make lasagna but it’s just as delicious. If you are in the mood for a good hardy meal try this one out!
7. Tomato soup
Tomato soup is a simple meal that doesn’t cost too much to make and goes well with lots. Make a grilled cheese to go with it and you will surely be satisfied.
8. Stuffed Peppers
This is something you definitely will not find in the cafeteria or any fast food place. You can even use leftover ground beef from another meal to make this!
9. Chicken Tacos
This crockpot meal is good for when you want to change your tacos up. You will feel like you are at a restaurant eating by the time you are done.
10. Mac and Cheese
It seems like Mac and Cheese is everyone’s favorite meal. It’s nice to change it up from the store bought instant mac that so many college students flock to. This recipe won’t break the bank either, so why not try it out?
11. Chocolate Fondue
Alright, this is just a little bonus for if you are feeling extra inspired. If it tastes anything like it looks you’ll want to eat the whole thing in one seating. Try this dessert out after one of those yummy meals you made.