Have you ever been to a wedding where something totally cringeworthy occurred that left you and several other guests convinced that the newly wedded couple’s marriage wouldn’t last?
Many people are revealing their cringeworthy wedding moments stories online on websites such as Buzzfeed, Business Insider, and Reddit.
Now, with all of that being said, here are 14 Cringeworthy Things That Happened At A Wedding That Made The Guests Convinced That The Marriage Wouldn’t Last:
“The bride and groom both got coked up and got into some kind of argument over the bride wanting him to help her undo her dress. It ended with the groom beating the bride beyond recognition and being arrested. He was charged and given a restraining order and their marriage lasted one day.”
–Redditor Gillybomb101
“We all knew it wouldn’t last when the mother of the groom cried as he seated her. Someone said, ‘It’s so sweet that she’s excited for her son to get married,’ and she turned around and said, ‘I’m crying because my son is making the biggest mistake of his life.’
She said it right in front of the bride’s family! And the groom didn’t defend his wife when his mother drunkenly told her later that he should’ve married his ex.”
-Maf told BuzzFeed
“At my best friend’s wedding reception, when he and I danced and he leaned into my ear and said, ‘It should have been you.
I cried all the way home in a taxi and haven’t spoken to him since. And he’s still married to her!”
-Jennymoonbean told BuzzFeed
“My brothers wedding. It was super uncomfortable and awkward during their engagement. My parents kept asking him if he was sure, he said yes. Then came the wedding. Super small. When they said to kiss, they both went in for a peck, but she turned her face at the last minute so he kissed her cheek. My husband yelled for them to do it again (I was also their wedding photographer and he knew I didn’t get a good shot). The marriage only got weirder and worse from there. They acted like they were on an awkward first date every day. Finally a year later they divorced.”
–Redditor Persephonenyc
“We were good friends with a couple who fought all the time. She wanted to get married desperately and he was indifferent. After years of nagging he finally proposed. On the day of the wedding, right before he walked out, he looked at us and sighed “Well, maybe now she will stop nagging at me and finally be fucking happy”
They are now divorced – she cheated on him with some guy she used to date.”
-Cyaos told BuzzFeed
“The groom looked drunk and the bride seemed incredibly angry. Then there was this woman walking around during the reception placing bets on when they would divorce. I later found out she was the mother of the groom.”
-DestinyDivided Told Business Insider
“Groom’s mistress found out he was getting married and showed up at the wedding, in the middle of the I-do’s, walked right up on stage and smacked him in the face.”
-JennaGraham2012 told Business Insider
“When the groom smashed cake in the bride’s face during the cake cutting, and she immediately started crying, disappeared to the bathroom for 30 minutes, and barely spoke to him the rest of the night.
Shockingly, they are still married, but they fight all the time!”
-Birdhouseinoursoul told BuzzFeed
“At my sister’s wedding, they smeared cake in each other’s faces. Well, the groom got some custard in his eyes, flipped out, and we spent the next hour watching them scream at each other in the middle of the dance floor. They lasted about a year.”
-Thatturtleboy told BuzzFeed
Please note, that the couple featured in this Story is not the same one from Story #8 (See Above).
“I was working at a ‘wedding factory.’ On Monday, we got a call the Saturday wedding was cancelled. They were told that they would lose the deposit (around $7,000). Then on Thursday they said it was back on.
When the guests arrived, everyone was pissed off. It seems they told everyone was it was off, then two days later that it was on. The ceremony was about 3 minutes. The bride then changed into sweat pants and then everyone got angry drunk. ‘Well this won’t last long’ I thought. Then on the following Monday, the bride walked into my (then) wife’s divorce attorney’s office.”
-Redcapmilk told Business Insider
“I have seen brides fight their grooms at the reception, I’ve seen a bride bash a family member over the head with a bottle of champagne, I’ve seen small children whip burning tea lights at guests from a floor above, I’ve seen a guest try to fake a slip and fall to sue the venue. Probably the most ‘WTF?’ was a very obviously arranged marriage. Most of the planning was done by the parents, because they were local and the kids were ‘traveling overseas.’ Red flag. Day of, we meet the happy couple-to-be.
I’m really bad at judging ages, but she seemed at least old enough to consent. And, I should add, she was gorgeous. Could have been a model. The groom, however, almost a foot shorter than she, very lanky, looked like he was squarely in the middle of an adolescent awkward phase. My staff and I had difficulty not giving any outward signs that we were very uncomfortable.
The body language was perplexing and then just sad during photos. Culturally, its not uncommon for PDA to be kept to a minimum, but the way she leaned away from him and could barely look at him … She was so obviously miserable. To this day I regret not offering to help her escape through a bathroom window. I told myself it was not my place to interfere and that I should just shut up and do my job. I will never take another client without a face to face with the bride first. I hope they’re not still together.”
-CardsForSorrow told Business Insider
“When I went to a wedding a year ago in which the groom was dressed to the nines in a tuxedo, and the bride showed up in a T-shirt and torn jeans, saying she wanted to ‘surprise’ him. She did, but not in a good way.”
-Stormwatcher told BuzzFeed
“A family friend’s daughter gets knocked up so the happy couple decides to get married. The guests had congregated outside of the venue waiting for the wedding ceremony when another woman barged in demanding to speak to the groom, and proclaiming that the groom also got her pregnant. Wide eyed, we watch the drama move to behind closed doors. After a whole lot of commotion, the wedding proceeds! Turns out that the other woman was right, and the two babies were born with 2 weeks of each other!
We quickly left the reception. Took some cake. It was good. They didn’t make it.”
–Redditor Papapowngs
“The DJ kept playing sad, break up music the whole night. I thought it was hilarious at the time but now they’re two kids in and utterly miserable. Just end it already.”
–Redditor Yeahnaryeahyeahnar
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