Creative Ways To Decorate Your First Apartment

First apartments are just one of those footsteps to independence for young adults. One thing is for certain, decorating your first apartment is a top perk of moving away from home and creating a new stomping ground. Here are some creative ways to decorate your first apartment.
1. Add Creative Pillows
Nothing screams ‘this is my apartment’ more than the addition of creative pillows fit to your style. Most pillows in your friend’s apartment are plain and just sit on a couch. But make your first apartment pop with the most stylish pillows that turn your home into art. These pillows don’t have to match they can be different starting with a travel pillow to a Disney pillow.
2. Bookcases Never Go Out Of Style
Building a bookcase in your first apartment will add an Alice in Wonderland vibe. Good books are nice to have around on a rain day. Plus, books stimulate the mind allowing your guest to assume you do more than sit and watch Netflix daily. Where you put your bookcase depends on you. If possible building your book shelf into the stairs is an idea worth considering.
3. Mug Life
Filling your cupboard with beautiful coffee mugs and dishes creates an authentic look to your first apartment. Like a pillow, your dishes can connect to your personality and allows your kitchen to stand out. Don’t go plain jane throw some color on those plates and cups go crazy.
4. Mirrors Are Your Friends
Your first apartment should have a few mirrors. You’re out on your own and this means your mirror time is extended to the max. A nice idea is a cute vanity mirror if you want to go old-fashioned. Or if you’re a guy try a nice thick frame that can be hung on the back of your door.
5. Wall Art
Draw away from the norm and place wall art around your first apartment. Put something up that speaks on your character, love, and interest. Your guests will immediately be drawn to your walls. Plain white is okay but art is great.
6. Bedroom Swing
Bedroom swings are not only comfy but stylish in a manner of being chill and earthy. The way of the swing is to flow to all emotions. When your tired sit down relax and read a nice book. Try placing the swing near a window so you have the option to look outside on a beautiful day. These swings are perfect for any young adult’s first apartment.
7. Window Seat
A window seat isn’t always optional. However, if you’re able to get one you should. Your first apartment wouldn’t be completely home like without one. As a young adult, you’ll have room to explore more into relationships. With a significant other by your side a window seat is an extraordinary makeout spot.
8. A Colored Rug
Rugs can’t rub you wrong when they’re colorful and filled with energy. Rugs are wonderful décor items to place around your first apartment. One it keeps the floors beneath it clean and it keeps your home looking brilliant. There are plenty of rugs to choose from so take your pick.
9. Something New And Something Borrowed
Old antique furniture will give your first apartment a nice revamped looked. Though, your apartment is new to you an old piece of furniture is all you need to make your mark. With a lovely piece of furniture that screams old-fashioned anyone is able to decorate their bathroom, bedroom, kitchen or living room.
10. Unique Kitchen Appliances
Get yourself a unique kitchen set that is fronting on the 1950s side. The more colorful the better. Ignite your inner soul crafter and give your kitchen the décor it deserves. These appliances standout as if you were on an episode of “The Brady Bunch.” If you can match your microwave, stove and refrigerator than your first apartment is set in gold.