Categories: Relationships

Creative Ways to Ask Your Date to Formal

The pressure is on to ask your date to formal in a cool way each year. If you’re stumped on what to do, here are some creative ways to ask your date to formal that they will totally love. Good luck!

1. Sweet Treats

Growing up we were always told that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. What better way to get your crush wanting you even more than baking for him.


2. Simple Sandwich

For those of us who aren’t the best in the kitchen, like burning pop tarts in hotel microwaves (which actually happened to me), you can always resort to making your future formal date a simple sandwich. This is cute enough to get the point across, plus he’s a guy and will devour just about any food he’s given.

3. Up! Inspired Invite

If you are a huge Disney fan like myself, and have seen UP! more than the average human, take inspiration from the movie and use it to score your next formal date. Show them love by filling their room completely full of balloons, who doesn’t love balloons? The cupcakes and banner also add a nice touch

4. Teddy Bear in a suit, enough said

I’m obsessed with this for multiple reasons. Not only is this saying perfect for all of our ADPi sisters, by adding the fluffy stuffed animal, it makes it impossible for your guy to say no. I can barely handle the cuteness of this one.


5. Sorority Crafts

Even though these are more common in sororities, funny thing is boys like them just as much, if not more. If you want to stand out from the rest by having a gift that will make a guy will want to show off to his friends, this is a great way to go.


6. Pick Out His Outfit

Already have your dress picked out, and want to make sure you win best dressed couple? This is the perfect way to make sure that happens.

7. Decorative Flask

If your guy is a big whiskey drinker, this is for you. He will probably see this as a memorable gift that he will use at almost every formal after. By doing this you’re giving him free range to drink all of the whiskey he wants. Dressed up to get messed up is the motto, and this lets him know that you will be the best and most fun girl there.

See Also


8. Whiskey and Flask

If you have a whiskey flask, then you will obviously need one thing to go in it. This cute combination is perfect if you want to go above and beyond for that special guy in your life. The canvas makes a great keepsake and the Jack Daniel’s will be the cherry on top.

9. If All Else Fails… beer

So he isn’t really into whiskey and you’re on a tight budget, (because you’re in school duh). This is probably the easiest and still cute way to ask a guy to formal. Just make sure he reads the message before he blacks out, and best part is, he might even share it with you after he accepts.


10. Group Invite

Scared to ask a guy by yourself? Get your sisters to do it with you. Asking a guy to formal can be terrifying. Does he see you as more than a friend? Does he have his eye on someone? Will he have fun? So many questions begin running through your mind.


One of this tips will make a perfect invite for that guy you’re into. The only thing left to do is pick out our shoes, jewelry, dress, but at least you have the hardest part over, by scoring your date you will have a great formal, as long as your president doesn’t find your date passed out in the bathroom floor (which also happened to me.)

Marli Coonrod

Marli is a Public Relations Major from the greatest place on earth: MoState University. She is obsessed with her school, Instagram account, and becoming Zac Efron's future wife. She relies on her GBF for fashion advice. She likes Disney more than the average 5-year-old. Her body runs on Starbucks and sometimes her yoga pants go to yoga.

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