Categories: Mental Health

Create A Zen Space No Matter Where You Are

Sometimes, you just need a moment to recollect and reconnect with yourself. Creating a zen space in your cramped apartment, spacious home, or even one for on the go are all possible. You just need the right tools and more importantly the right mindset.

On The Go Zen

It’s true, you can have a fashionable and portable zen space. Aromatherapy bracelets allow the essential oil to soak into the beads for a long-lasting zen smell of your choice. Science explored the connection between scent and the brain affecting emotions and memory.

Harvard Gazette found smell and emotion are stored as memory. So carrying scents that you know help you relax and feel good will immediately put you in a zen space. Scents travel quickly through the brain, as this sense is the first fully developed by the fetus, and the quick delivery has the power to alter moods in an instant.

Make a statement and stay zen carrying around your most powerful tool.

Meditation Apps

Meditation apps provide another great on the go solution when you’re feeling out of sorts with your center and environment. If you’re in need of relief in the condescend hair pull inducing commute, pop on a meditation sequence and find you zen space in your car.

They are perfect on your lunch break, in the morning when you wake up, or in bed at night to help you sleep. Meditation apps are perfect for guided meditations if you’ve never practiced before and aren’t sure where to start.

Meditation is all a mental state so you don’t need any special props to create this zen space.

Meditation Pillow Or Soft Rugs

Finding a space to physically ground yourself helps harness your meditation powers. Making that ground space comfortable entices you to stay longer and really sit with the issues that are disrupting your zen. You can find a meditation pillow to add to your throw pillow collection on your bed or a larger one that can rest peacefully in a corner.

If you truly don’t have the space to add a pillow into your room or house to create a zen space, try searching for a soft rug. These tools allow you to have a designated, even if it’s small, space to really focus on zen energy.

Candles & Crystals

If you really want to step up your zen space, add these two elements to your area. The crystal have the option of being stationary or you can carry them on your person. You can seek out meditative stones and crystals or go on Etsy and find a collection of crystals to match your zodiac sign. Talk about cosmic power.

Maybe you aren’t ready to get that in touch with the cosmic universe quite yet and you just want a zen space before you lose your mind. Well, add a candle to the space you already find relaxing. Turn the lights off as low as they can go or completely off. Light a single candle and focus on the flame. Now take deep breathes in and out while focusing on the flame. You don’t need to have a mantra or meditative mindset for this zen space trick to work. Just do this for five minutes blow out the candle and reflect on how you feel.

Work It Out Internally

As much as the props in your zen space help you focus, they don’t solve the problem unless you are willing to address it internally. If there’s something you are feeling and not acknowledging, no amount of props or tools will fix you non-zen state.

If you’re having racing thoughts that are creating worry and stress, actively create a counter thought. Go through each through one by one as they pop up. You don’t have to be in any special zen space to do this. Why? Because the zen space is inside you.

If there’s a particular task daunting and haunting your every thought, do it first. Eliminate that monster right away and the rest of your day will be a constant state of zen.

See Also

Water Fountain

Think back to your days in science class with positive and negative ions. Did you ever think they’d have a significant effect on you outside of that field of study? No? Well, they do and flowing water plays a big role.

While more research needs to be conducted and there are only instances of correlation, not direct causation, being surrounded by increased negative ions have positive effects on the body. Nearly every modern space is filled with circulated positive ion dense air. This can lead to dehydration, irritability, a sense of depression, and all sorts of other ailments that can leave you feeling out of zen.

Adding a flowing water feature to your zen space will add a few extra negative ions into your atmosphere and boost your mood. Getting outside in open air or next to large bodies of flowing water will provide better results, but a small water feature in your zen space will do the trick.


You’ve got enough running through your head at any given moment. This zen space practice works synched with working on issues internally. If you’re expelling bad thoughts or feelings, sometimes giving them a place to go ensure they stay out.

Alternatively, it’s a great place to write down positive affirmations and thoughts.  Find a compact journal to make a portable zen space collector. The journal doesn’t have to be a stream of consciousness. It can be full of doodles, quotes, pictures, song lyrics, anything that helps put you at ease and in control of a zen space no matter where you are.

Plus, anyone passing by will think you’re a dedicated writer or savvy entrepreneur with the next groundbreaking idea. Who knows? With all your self created zen space you might just be that person.

In the time of the pandemic, we could all use a little extra zen in our lives. Share this article with your family and friends and see what other creative ways you can create your own zen space.

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Kayla Payette

A recent college graduate working her way into the publishing world. I love sharing stories for people, companies, and creators. I'll always have a passion for the written word even though digital marketing has spiked my interest. Thank you for reading my work and if you want to see what else I've done you can visit my online portfolio here!

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