Having a style in these times is turning out to be more difficult than ever. Sure, online fashion shopping is great, but shipping can be so expensive. Not to mention that returns are never truly guaranteed, packages can get lost, or even after all the time you wait for it to arrive it might just not fit the way you want it to. So why not try your hand in a bit of DIY? Not only does DIY style afford you the luxury of being able to look however you want, but it also gives you the freedom to do so in your own time and for your own pleasure.
This DIY style is great if you’re low on materials but love to have something to do with your fingers. Not only is it one of the most flexible fabric arts out there allowing you to make almost any shape you want on a whim, unlike knitting which has you working in triangles or squares most of the time for beginners, but it’s also one of the easiest crafts to pick up since it’s so widely available. All you really need is a crochet hook and a bit of yarn. Both of which are extremely easy to come by from any local craft store or online market.
EMrbodiery is another DY style option that you can easily utilize as a part of your personal style which will for sure make you stand out. Embroidery has been used even in the olden days of Victorian England, and even further back, as a way to give your outfit the little extra flare that you need to truly stand out above the crowd and look just a bit better than the rest. Not only that but it’s a very relaxing hobby to have which allows you to just take a moment to sit down and rest for a little while.
The OG when it comes to DIY style is sewing. Not only is it one of the most timeless fabric arts, dating all the way back to ancient times which allowed people to create clothes in the first place, but it’s also one of the few reliable ways, outside of having your own tailor, to make sure that your clothes fit you exactly right every single time that you make it. Sure it does take a little bit of time to get started to make sure that you’re doing things right, however, you can come by raw fabric rather readily in this day and age. Also, you don’t even need a sewing machine. Hand stitching is just as good if not even more sturdy since you exactly where every stitch lays in your work.
Much like sewing, patchwork is a bit like the little brother to that top tier DIY style. Not only is it the perfect way to get rid of any unseemly holes in your clothes. But it’s also a great way to salvage together your favorite clothes from the trash. Instead of throwing away some perfectly good fabric from your favorite pair of jeans, or your favorite t-shit, instead, you can cut it up and save the best parts for something new and entirely your own. So don’t go just throwing any your clothes or donating them right away after a little wear and tear. If you think it’s viable, use it!
Leatherwork might seem a bit too macho for those that are trying to cultivate their own DIY style but hear me out on this: making your own purse. Not only that but you can make bracelets, shoes, hairpieces, all the really expensive things that you buy from leather, which not trying to make it for yourself at home? Not only will it save you tons of time, but you’ll also be able to know where your leather came from by sourcing it ethically, or you can make it from pseudo leather so you know it’s vegan friendly! Not only that but by making it at home you’ll be sure that you never run out of pockets, you always have a place to put your phone that fits just right, and you can have it any color with any design you could ever want on it.
Painting is another one of those things that will allow you to make your own DIY style out of almost anything. Shoes, shirts, denim jackets, pants, hats, gloves, scarves, you name it, you can probably paint it. There are a few things to keep in mind though before you start a painting frenzy on your entire wardrobe. For one: you’re going to want to have some kind of idea what you want to paint onto your closed before you break out your brushes. Something that you can do is look for inspiration online or find references that fit a general theme or vibe that you want to try to go for before you begin mixing your colors.
Accessories are one part of those DIY style trends that every always seems to neglect in general. Sure you can slap a bunch of glue together on feathers and wear it like a bow, but very few times is there any true cohesion to the things that people make when they DIY them. In order for a full wardrobe to work you want to stick with some sort of general theme or vibe, or if you have several ideas, break them up into categories. Then when you’re ready start making things you think would go well with them.
Felting is one of those DIY styles that often goes under-appreciated or unnoticed, and I can’t figure out why. Not only does it create some of the most adorable little accessories that I’ve ever seen, but it’s also just a super relaxing craft in the first place. It’s very easy to pick up and down, and it’s so much fun shaping, sculpting, and threading the pieces into the exact shapes that you want.
Jewelry making has really started to become much more popular in recent years, and I can see why! Why spend exorbitant amounts of money on something when you could make something that looks just as nice at home! Not only that but being able to customize it and fit it to exactly what you want is the perfect gift to yourself if you’ve had a terrible week. So if you haven’t before, try making your own jewelry!
Buttons are severely underappreciated in this day and age. Not only are they an amazing little invention that also you to secure pieces of fabric to itself so it sits neatly without having it be permanent, but it’s they came in such a wide variety of colors, shapes, styles, and possibilities it feels silly that more people don’t use them in their day to day fashion. So the next time you’re wondering what could possibly be the finishing touch for your DIY style, perhaps try adding a few buttons to finish everything off.
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