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Country Girl Clothing Boutiques You Didn’t Know About

Country Girl Clothing Boutiques You Didn’t Know About

The country girl clothing style isn’t for everyone, but for those who would rather rock a pair of kick-ass cowgirl boots than a pair of pumps, it isn’t always easy to find clothing stores that offer what you need. But, they are out there! Can I get a yee-haw.


Tumbleroot boasts that they offer “country apparel designed with you in mind, and America at heart” and it is true. From t-shirts and sweatshirts, to jewlery and koozies, they’ve got you covered. And you obviously like country music right? Many of their products feature lyrics from your fave country songs.




Southern Fried Chics

Southern Fried Chics is more than a super clever name. They offer everything from country style t-shirts and sweatshirts to high-end fashion tops. You will have a complete outfit whether you are lounging around the barn or off to a country concert.




Country Outfitter

If it’s anything that Country Outfitter knows, it’s country. The online boutique offers thousands of items from tons of country style brands. It doesn’t stop at clothes and boots, they also offer decor for your apartment and dorm!




Southern Girl Apparel

Southern Girl Apparel isn’t really for the southern belle with frilly taste. If you’re a bad ass country chick, this place is for you. The shirts are sassy and the denim is sexy. They also carry accessories, like hats and belts.


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Southern Charm

If you’re just looking for cool t-shirts that show of your country style pride, Southern Charm will take care of you. They sell tank tops, tees and sweatshirts that all cater to the sassy country chick inside you.




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