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Counting Down The Days To Thanksgiving: How To Prepare Properly

Counting Down The Days To Thanksgiving: How To Prepare Properly

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and it may look a little different this year! Need some help getting it all organized? Here are some things to do to get ready for the hungriest day of the year!

1. Make A To-Do List

Now, the start of any good preparation plan is the creation of a to-do list. I know it sounds incredibly elementary, but I cannot plan for a big project, weekend trip, anything really without making a good old fashioned to-do list. There are a lot of moving parts to consider when it comes to planning for the Thanksgiving holiday and keeping track of it all can be difficult. If you want to get really organized, consider sorting the items on your list into categories, such as decorations and ingredients for your favorite Thanksgiving recipes. This will ensure that you do not forget even the smallest detail when it comes to prep work! If you already use something like a bullet journal, you can even go as far as creating an entire journal spread dedicated to the event. Crafting an aesthetically pleasing journal spread makes planning anything so much more fun and helps you to remain organized and on task, especially if you are planning far in advance. 


2. Give Yourself Ample Time To Cook

Another important thing to remember when it comes to your Thanksgiving preparations is of course to ensure that you give yourself enough time to cook all of your favorite dishes. After you decide how many dishes you will want to make for you and your loved ones, you will want to determine how much time each dish will take to prepare and cook thoroughly. Once you have all of that mapped out, you can decide based on the total amount of cooking time, what time you will need to begin the process. This way, you can be certain that each of those mouthwatering dishes will be finished and ready to eat when your guests arrive! The holiday season can be such a happy time of year, but it can also add a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. Remember to be kind to yourselves and ask for assistance if you need it!

3. Delegate and Conquer

When it comes to cooking as well as cooking, make sure that you do not stretch yourself too thin. It is okay to ask for help with all of the Thanksgiving preparation and makes the process much more enjoyable! Do not be afraid to delegate tasks to your friends or family who will be attending. Asking them over to help prepare the meal, set the table, decorate the living room, all of those things get done so much more efficiently. If it is just going to be your immediate family this year, get your kids and your spouse involved. This is a great opportunity to bond as a family and teach your little ones how to prepare your family’s favorite holiday recipes. 


4. Have Fun With DIY Decorations

Now onto my favorite part of any holiday, the decorating process. If you have kids or are on a tight budget this year, get creative with some DIY projects. It can be so much fun to have a little arts and crafts session and make your own Thanksgiving decorations. This is especially doable if you have small children, as you can do the classic hand turkeys and colored construction paper chain. You do not need a huge amount of decorations to get your home Thanksgiving ready, a small number of handmade decorations can warm up your home and make it look more festive too! 

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5. Don’t Forget The Spirits

Just like you do not want to forget the dessert for Thanksgiving dinner, you also do not want to forget the spirits for everyone of age. I know when it comes to planning and prepping for this massive holiday meal it is so easy to forget something, even something like a nice wine or bottle of champagne. There are of course no rules when it comes to what you choose to serve at your Thanksgiving feast, however, I recommend a nice, deep red wine to pair with all of the classic and savory Thanksgiving dishes. For dessert, various flavors of pie are of course must-have dishes, but to go along with those delicious delicacies, go ahead and pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate completing all of your hard work! If you or your loved ones do not drink alcohol, no worries! There are so many non-alcoholic options to choose from that will also pair well with Thanksgiving food, such as sparkling grape juice and apple juice. These beverages give the same festive feel to the meal, just without the alcohol. 


6. Enjoy Yourself

Lastly, is definitely the most important thing to remember, to enjoy yourself! Buying all of the ingredients for your favorite recipes, cooking yummy Thanksgiving food, making DIY decorations, and delegating tasks, it is important to remember why you did all of those things. The entire reason that you decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner or just have loved ones over for drinks and desserts, is to spend time with your loved ones and devour some goof food. Try not to let the stress of preparing and executing all of your planned tasks overwhelm you and keep you and your family from having a wonderful day together. Try to just soak up every moment and truly be present! Maybe put your phone away, unless you need it for recipes and cooking, and live in the moment. Not to get too sentimental and deep, but life will not always be like this and the people you have in your life will not always be there. Cherish the time you all have together and make some memories! 

Thanksgiving may look a little different this year but being prepared for the day can help to alleviate stress! How will you prepare for Thanksgiving this year? Let us know in the comments!
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