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20 Costumes For Those Of You Obsessed With The 90s

20 Costumes For Those Of You Obsessed With The 90s

Sick of the spooky costumes? Get creative this Halloween and bring back the most fashionable decade, the 1990s. This era was filled with hot looks and pop-culture classics. You will be sure to find something creative and cool to wear on this list. 

1. Clueless

The 1995 teenage comedy is a timeless movie, and so is Cher Horowitz’s style. Dressing up like Cher for Halloween is allowing yourself to be the hottest girl at the party. You have a few different options for this costume since she had so many unforgettable looks, but I recommend you stick to the classic yellow plaid. It’s cute, stylish, and classic Cher. 


2. Britney Spears: Hit Me Baby One More Time

Britney Spears has had a lot of unforgettable looks over the years. However, if you’re looking to try out a ’90s Britney look, then you have to go with the Hit Me, Baby, One More Time costume. This school girl look is a crowd pleaser and will make you feel like the hot diva we all know you are.  


3. Rachel Green

Obviously, I was going to put a Friend’s character on this list. I spent a lot of time debating over which of the main six fully represented the 1990’s. My decision was made purely by the fact that Jennifer Anniston’s hair is what made the 1990’s so great. The costume for Rachel will be easy, basically, just dress like a waitress in the late ’90s. You may run into some trouble with the hair though. Just remember that it is the most important part of the costume and if you screw it up everyone will laugh. They will not be laughing with you either. No pressure though, just try to have fun with it. 

4. DJ Tanner

DJ Tanner was everyone’s favourite older sister on Full House. Except for me, I have an older sister who looked just like DJ Tanner, so I didn’t enjoy watching her on TV. For those of you who don’t have middle child syndrome, this costume will be perfect for you. A good DJ Tanner costume will consist of denim and that’s it. Jean shorts, skirts, vests, and jackets should all be worn at the same time to make this costume work. 


5. Bratz Dolls

Only ’90s kids will understand the importance of the Bratz Dolls. Some girls played with Barbies, and others played with Bratz. To this day those two groups of girls won’t talk to each other. Lines were drawn and sides were chosen. If you were a Barbie Girl then scroll down to number 16 for your costume. Bratz lovers get your Kylie lip kit ready, you’ll need it. Being a Bratz doll for Halloween will require your best-bedazzled hat, large sunglasses and even bigger lips. Also, don’t forget your Bratitude, it’s your most important accessory. 


6. Carrie Bradshaw

We all need to bow down to Sarah Jessica Parker. Not because she’s an amazing actress, but because we need to get a closer look at her shoes. Dressing up as Carrie Bradshaw for Halloween gives you an excuse to buy those shoes you’ve been eyeing for months. Her look starts and ends with a perfect pair of pumps. 


7. Titanic

Relax, I’m not suggesting you dress up a ship for Halloween. If you and your partner are looking for a romantic couple’s costume, then look no further than Jack and Rose from the 1997 movie, Titanic. I’ve seen this costume done in a lot of different ways. Some people dress for the period, wearing long dresses and suits. The most creative way though is the naked Rose and artist Jack look. A skin-toned leotard and the heart of the ocean necklace will help sell this costume.

8. Thelma & Louise

The original ride or die, girl team, Thelma and Louise. Grab your best bitch and find yourselves some bandannas because you two are going for a wild ride. Although this costume may not be the most recognizable, it is a lot of fun if you’re a fan of the movie. 


9. Princess Dianna

Before Meghan Markle came around, Princess Dianna was the most talked-about Royal. Her style, grace and poise will stand the test of time. Mimic that by dressing up like the duchess for Haloween. A short blonde wig and a gorgeous gown, fit for a royal, will do the trick. 


10. Elaine Benes

Elaine Benes from Seinfield practically invented shoulder pads. This career woman did everything Jerry Seinfield did, and she did it all while wearing chunky heels. Follow in her footsteps and dress up as Elain Benes this Halloween.

11. Y2K

The world is ending, what is the last outfit you want to wear? That was the thought going through a lot of people’s heads before the ball dropped on December 31, 1999. Some people chose no clothes and used Y2K as a reason to go streaking. Others decided to put on their best and forget their troubles. Dress like the world is ending. This costume gives you a great excuse not to dress up and yet still have a costume. 


12. Pulp Fiction

 Most people dress up as Pulp Fiction and they have never seen the movie. Why? Because it’s so easy and so freaking hot. A white button-up plus a black bob is the perfect recipe for a sexy costume, that also shows how artsy you are. 


13. Pretty Woman

Yes, she was a hooker, but she was a hooker with a heart of gold. I don’t recommend you dress up as a streetwalker for Halloween, but it’s Julia freaking Roberts as a streetwalker. You can even dress up as the classy version of her if you want. A beautiful red dress and sparkly necklace can you turn you into the prettiest woman at the Halloween party. 

14. Waynes World

Party Time! Waynes World is a righteous costume. It may not make you the sexiest person at the party, but it will make you the funniest. This costume is also incredibly easy because all you need is a band T-shirt and ripped jeans.

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15. Spice Girl(s)

Yes, this is technically a group costume, but I think you could pull it off with just one or two people. The Spice Girls were iconic and still are to this day. Dressing up as the British band will ensure you have a smashing good time on Halloween. If you’re doing this costume alone I recommend dressing up as Ginger Spice. Ginger has the more classic 90’s look. A sparkly red dress with a Union Jack displayed on the front will do the trick. 


16. Barbie

Life in plastic is fantastic, just ask the Kardashians. Barbie is a great costume that everyone will get a kick out of. Find a pink dress, and then cover your body in lotion to make it appear shiny. Remember though, this costume is all about how you act. You can’t break character for a second. Make sure you keep those elbows bent! 


17. Something About Mary

The easiest costume on this list is also the sexiest. Mary, from Something About Mary, is a young girl who has men falling at her feet. All you need is a red dress and some hair gel. The hair gel is the most important part of this costume. Don’t forget the hair gel. 

18. Kelly Kapowski (Saved By The Bell)

Kelly Kaposwki from Saved By The Bell was the coolest girl in high school. All the guys wanted to date, and all the girls wanted to be. Dress up as everyone’s favourite prom queen and rule the school in a pair of neon heels. Don’t forget to give your hair a good backcombing too. Kelly was nothing without her signature bangs.   


19. Ashley Spinelli

It seems like forever since we’ve gotten to go out and play at Recess, it feels even longer since we’ve gotten to watch Recess too! Bring up some childhood nostalgia by spending Halloween dressed as Ashley Spinelli. This costume is really easy to do, the most important element is an orange beanie and some black pigtails. 


20. Buffy Anne Summers

Buffy Anne Summers is better known as Buffy- The Vampire Slayer. We all know Sarah Michelle Geller as the teen vampire-fighting goddess, but she isn’t the only one who can pull off those tube tops. Find yourself some low-rise jeans and a green crop top to make this costume. Props can be handy for this look as well, trying carrying around a wooden stake, but be careful and try not to dance with it. 

Halloween is getting closer, and you’ll want a costume that makes you the hit of any party. These ’90s inspired costumes are Easy to make and even easier to pull off. 

What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Comment below!

Featured Image Source: Pinterest.