
Coronavirus Checklist: The Essentials You Need If You’re Quarantined

The coronavirus is spreading across the world at an alarming rate. With more and more people getting sick by the day it’s important to be prepared in case you become one of the unlucky ones. That’s why we’ve put together a checklist of everything that you’ll need by your side if you’re quarantined. From medicine to Netflix, this is our list of coronavirus essentials that will help you tackle the virus one day at a time!

1. Cough Drops and Medicine

One of the best ways to stop symptoms of the coronavirus in their tracks is by taking proper medicine. Cough drops, throat lozenges, or medicine such as Robitussin will help nullify the nasty chest cough you’ll have. The cough drops will also ease any throat pain or rawness you’re feeling from all of your coughing. Other medicines such as DayQuil, Tylenol, or Vick’s will aid in tackling your fever, too. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night due to discomfort, give Tylenol PM or Nyquil a try–they’ll help you fall into a much-needed slumber.

2. Chapstick, Lotion, and Other Moisturizers

There’s nothing worse than having a raw, red nose and chapped lips when you’re already feeling as sick as a dog. Dealing with irritated skin shouldn’t need to be a side-effect when dealing with an already irritating illness. That’s why having chapstick and moisturizer by your side will be a lifesaver! Stack up on Burt’s Bees for your dry lips and CeraVe for your raw nose. To boot, you can also keep your hands soft and smooth since washing them so frequently will dry them out!

3. Nutrient-Rich Foods

Your grandma always made you chicken noodle soup when you were sick as a kid for a reason–sometimes food is just the best medicine out there! A hot bowl of chicken noodle soup will help clear out your system, and it’s packed with vegetables full of vitamins and minerals that will aid in fighting off the coronavirus. If chicken noodle soup doesn’t do it for you it’s also recommended that you give fruits, vegetables, beans, and fish a try! Also, consider stocking up on non-perishable boxed and canned goods that won’t go bad quickly. You won’t be able to leave your home for a while if you’re quarantined, so it’s important that you don’t run out of food.

4. Water, Tea, and Gatorade

While it’s important to eat, it’s just as important to stay hydrated when you’re sick. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water so you can stay hydrated and fight off the sickness. Gatorade will also replenish any electrolytes that you may be losing when you have the coronavirus. Herbal tea will keep you hydrated, too, and the steam and herbs will help in soothing your throat and cough. Stay as hydrated as you can and you’ll be better in no time!

5. Stable Wi-fi and a Laptop

If you’re quarantined then chances are you’ll be working from home. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have a laptop and a stable internet connection. You can stay on top of work this way, even if you are outside of the office or classroom. Or, if you’re too sick to be working, then an internet connection and laptop can serve as a very important piece of entertainment and your link to the outside world. Stay in touch with your friends, coworkers, and classmates via Facebook, Slack, Instagram, Twitter, or any other online tool you may use. Keep them updated on how you’re feeling and contact them if you need help.

6. A Good Streaming Service

Another thing your laptop and internet can be good for is streaming! Whether your streaming platform of choice is Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+, you can stay entertained for hours on end watching your favorite shows or movies. Even if you can’t Netflix and chill with your S/O when you have the coronavirus, you can spend some quality time with yourself instead. Being quarantined may be pretty boring, but Netflix can at least make the experience a little more tolerable.

7. Comfortable Pillows and Blankets

Comfort is something that is of the utmost importance when you’re sick. Stay warm with a thick, fluffy blanket wrapped around you! If you’ll be spending a lot of time sitting up in bed, then a back or neck pillow may be a good idea–especially if you’re doing any type of work from home. If you’re struggling with body aches and getting comfortable at night, then having a body pillow you can hold and wrap your legs around will help you get a good night’s sleep.

8. Heat and Ice Packs

Is your fever becoming too much to handle? Are you struggling with body aches from laying in bed all day? Consider adding a heating pad and ice pack onto your essentials checklist. Filling up your icepack and applying it to your forehead or neck will help in bringing down your fever. Any muscle or backaches you’re feeling from all of the coughing that you’re doing can also be soothed by applying a good heating pad to the painful area.

9. Tissues

This one’s a given. If you’re sick then you need a lot of tissues. Don’t suffer with a runny nose or congested cough–get a box of tissues to save the day! Tissue brands that include lotion in their formula, such as Puffs Plus, would probably be your best bet. That way, your skin won’t get dried out and painful from constantly using them. Make sure you keep at least a few boxes in your home at all times. You’ll be running through them like water!

10. A Humidifier

The coronavirus specifically attacks the airways and makes breathing difficult. However, having a humidifier in your room should help make breathing a little bit easier for you. A humidifier will prevent the air in your space from getting too dry and will help your chest feel clearer and lighter, thus lessening your coughing. This should help you sleep a little easier at night. They also help prevent the spread of airborne viruses like the coronavirus, so if you live with roommates or family members then having a humidifier in your home may keep them from getting sick, too.

See Also

11. Soap, Toilet Paper, and Other Home Supplies

While quarantined, you won’t be able to leave the house at all. That’s why it’s important that you make sure you’re stocked up on any household supplies you may need. Keep your mouth clean with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Be sure to have plenty of cleaning supplies, such as Lysol wipes, so that you can keep surfaces in your home clean to prevent the spread of disease. Most importantly, make sure that you’re stocked up on lots of soap for your hands. You should be washing your hands multiple times per day, for at least 20 seconds at a time. If you have the coronavirus, then you’re responsible for making sure the disease doesn’t spread to others, and washing your hands is the best way to do that.

12. Warm Pajamas

If you’re sick with the coronavirus, don’t walk around naked. Make sure you’re ready with some warm, comfortable pajamas. If you’re going to be stuck laying in bed all day, then you might as well be comfy doing it. You don’t even need to leave your house to get some! You can easily shop for some cute PJs on sites like Amazon and have them shipped to you the next day. So get your pajamas ready and get plenty of rest in bed!

13. Lots of Books, Games, or Any Type of Quality Entertainment

Being quarantined is a pretty boring process. There’s very little to do when you can’t leave your home for two weeks. That’s why it’s important that you have plenty of things around the house to entertain yourself. Catch up on some reading with a good book on your nightstand. Play plenty of videogames on your Nintendo Switch or PS4. Watch lots of episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S on DVD. Listen to playlist after playlist on Spotify. Basically, just make sure you have something to do so you aren’t bored out of your mind.

14. A Thermometer

You’re going to want to make sure you’re constantly monitoring your fever if you’re sick with the coronavirus. Use a thermometer to pay close attention and make sure that your fever doesn’t grow to emergency levels. You’ll also want to watch out for your fever breaking, as that could be the first sign that you’re on your way to feeling better! Keep a thermometer by your bedside at all times while you’re sick.

15. Your Doctor’s Phone Number

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, make sure that you know your doctor’s phone number. If you start to notice any symptoms that seem unusual or symptoms that are worsening, you’ll want to call them as soon as you can to ensure that you’re getting the proper care that you need. While we can provide you with the basics of things you need to get through your sickness, a medical professional is the best person to turn to if things start to get really bad. Don’t hesitate to call your doctor.

What do you have on your coronavirus quarantine checklist? What did we forget to add to ours? Let us know your remedies in the comments below!

Featured Image Source:
Caroline Morgan

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