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5 Conversations Serious Couples Should Have

5 Conversations Serious Couples Should Have

5 Conversations Serious Couples Should Have

You and your partner are getting serious. You’re now picturing a life with this person. However, it’s time for serious conversations. I know, serious conversations suck but they are part of healthy communication and are key to a serious couples relationship. Here are 5 conversations serious couples should have.

The Sex Talk

We are not talking about where babies come from. If you’ve had sex with each other before it still doesn’t mean you know what each other likes in bed. If you have not, you definitely need to know what your partner prefers. Sexual compatibility can make or break a relationship. So, if you are getting serious now is the time to know if your sexual preferences fit together. It may feel like an awkward conversation, but you’ll be glad you talked about it. As a result, you will have a better sex life.


Having Kids

This can be a scary conversation to have but it is necessary. According to an article by, “Not everyone wants children – and even if you already have kids, not everyone agrees on how to raise them. Talk about your own individual experiences as children, with parents, and the kind of parents you hope to be. Talk about your principles and your ideas. The closer you can get to agreeing on parental styles and responsibilities, the less likely you are to run into disagreements later.”

How To Deal With Family Conflicts

From the beginning of your relationship you should talk about how your families are. You should also talk about how your families act when it comes to conflict. Some families are logical while others are crazy and spiteful. It is important to know how your partner’s family behaves because conflict will arise at some point in your relationship. It best to discuss amongst yourselves how to deal with family conflicts without any influence from either side so it does not create a division between you two.

Think about it, your partner’s family could be the type to be completely irrational about something and you have a disagreement. Wouldn’t you want to know if your partner will have your back if their family is against you? Trust me, it’s not fun when you look to your partner for support and they are completely silent.


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Their Long Term Goals

Now that you are getting serious it is time to talk about your long term goals. Things can be peachy keen but you have to honestly know, what your partners goal is in life. This is a conversation that needs to be had. You might think you have met your soulmate, but it’s very disheartening when you find out they want to quit their job and go to clown school. This actually happened in an episode of The Golden Girls. Dorothy had been dating a prominent lawyer. Everything was daisies and cinnamon, until one day he tells her he wants to quit his job and become a clown in a traveling circus. So, guess what happened? Yup, they broke up. Their long term goals just weren’t a match.


Where You Both Would Like To Live Together One Day

You both need to know where you want to live one day. You could have dreams of packing up and moving to the Big Apple while they wish for a quiet life in a cottage in the countryside. Don’t you think it would be better to know this before your relationship progresses any further? I’m pretty sure serious couples are going to want to live together at some point in their relationship.

What are some other conversations you think serious couples should have? Let us know in the comments below.

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