10 Conspiracy Theories About Celebrities That Will Leave You Shook

We’ve all heard rumors and speculations circulating Hollywood’s favorite stars. Some theories are downright ridiculous. Recently, new evidence and curiosity have sparked many to believe some crazy conspiracy theories about celebrities. These 10 conspiracy theories about celebrities are pretty convincing and are making people question everything they know.
1. Katy Perry Is Jonbenet Ramsey
In 1996, six year old pageant queen Jonbenet Ramsey was mysteriously killed in her home in Boulder, Colorado. Her killer still remains unknown, but did she really die? Some theorists claim the child star didn’t really die, but in fact grew up to be pop singer Katy Perry. This link comes from their startlingly similar appearance, as well as their pageant and singing talents. As interesting as this theory is, is has been debunked by Perry herself! Hopefully justice will soon be served to solve what really happened to Jonbenet.
2. Tupac Is Still Alive
Perhaps the most infamous and debated theory in history, the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur. To this day the case remains unsolved. Conspiracy theorists have talked about Shakur’s mysterious killing for years, but perhaps the most notorious theory is that he is still alive. The theory states Tupac is living in Cuba with his step-aunt Assata Shakur, after receiving political asylum from escaping a U.S. prison years earlier. Many “sightings” of Tupac have occured since his death in 1996, and we still do not know who killed the rapper, so who knows? Stranger things have happened..
3. Justin Bieber Is A Reptile
The singer, dancer, and songwriter has made a variety of headlines ranging from dating rumors to police investigations. He is always in the interest of the public eye, however many people have noticed that something might be different about HIS eyes. Yes, recently fans and theorists have reported instances where Bieber’s eyes turn reptilian during interviews and performances. Reptile people are another theory entirely—they are believed to have taken over the government and are slowly replacing popular figures to influence us. Justin Bieber’s eyes have most noticeable changed during his court case in 2014. This theory has been said to be debunked. The change in his eyes are due to low camera quality. While it may seem ridiculous, the way his eyes shift are unsettling. No matter what the cause is, this is one of the weirdest conspiracy theories about celebrities.
4. Lindsay Lohan Has A Hidden Twin
Lindsay Lohan is famous for two things; her acting career and having public meltdowns. Perhaps most notoriously, Lohan starred in “The Parent Trap” as both Hallie Parker and Annie James. The characters were identical twins who discover each other’s existence at summer camp and unite to get their parents back together. Many people question if Lohan really played both characters or if she actually had a real life twin! The technology was difficult to edit and produce such intricate split screen scenes back then. Theorists suggest that perhaps Lohan’s twin may have died shortly after filming. She had to keep it a secret for years, causing her to fall apart. Hopefully, this theory isn’t true, as it is good to see Lindsay coming back into public life.
5. Britney Spears Is Using Another Singer’s Voice
It’s no secret that people will do anything to get famous, even change the pitch and tone of their voice. Many say that’s exactly what happened to Britney Spears. The strain she put on her voice which resulted in making it higher and baby sounding. This caused her vocal chords to suffer permanent damage. Then who is singing her recent songs?! Some believe it is a woman named Myah Marie, a background singer who recorded vocals for albums “Circus” and “Femme Fatale.” Their voices are uncannily similar and it wouldn’t be surprising if Spears asked Marie to help her out as her voice continues to deteriorate.
6. Stevie Wonder Is Not Really Blind
Icon Stevie Wonder has brought joy through his music, as well as an inspiring story through his vision impairment. Wonder is blind and famous for his signature sunglasses and smile. Recently, people have began to notice questionable behavior from someone who claims they can’t see. During a live performance with Paul McCartney, a microphone next to Wonder tipped and fell over; as it began to fall, Stevie turned to his side and caught the stand before it hit the ground. Many began to question. If he is blind, how did he know the microphone was falling? There are other examples of Stevie not being as blind as he claims to be. To be realistic, blind people have incredible senses to make up for their lack of sight. Catching the microphone may just be a super skill.
7. Immortal Celebrities
This theory doesn’t just focus on one celebrity; in fact there are a number of celebrities theorists consider to have been dipped in the fountain of youth. This list includes stars like Keanu Reeves, John Legend, Nicholas Cage, Pharrell Williams, Elijah Wood, Rob Lowe, and Kate Hudson, just to name a few. Some of these celebrities have older doppelgangers from centuries ago, who look exactly like them. Others seem to have not aged since their careers first began. Maybe we can thank modern cosmetology for keeping these stars looking young, or maybe their youth comes from somewhere else. Whatever the case may be, this is one of the freakiest conspiracy theories about celebrities.
8. Khloe Kardashian Is OJ’s Daughter
The Kardashians are among one of the most well known household names today, perhaps in history. Some people may have little knowledge of the late Robert Kardashian. He was the first husband to Kris and father to Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe. Kardashian was also one of the lawyers on the infamous OJ Simpson case. The conspiracy theory is that the father of Khloe is in fact not Robert, but OJ. This evidence comes from their resemblance, as well as the close connections between Kris and OJ’s family. She was offered to take a DNA test on season 7 of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”, however she denied, making the accusations all the more suspicious. Sorry Khloe, but this is one of the freakiest conspiracy theories about celebrities.
9. Taylor Swift Is The Leader Of Satanist Church
Taylor Swift may seem like an innocent, fun-loving, sweet singer/songwriter—or is she? Some people believe Taylor Swift is really Zeena LaVey, former leader of the Church of Satan. The two woman look eerily alike, and many believe Swift’s innocent look is a facade for a much darker personality. Other evidence comes from Taylor Swift fan fiction accounts which can be found on the dark web. A place notorious for hosting crime and evil practices. This theory is interesting and is obviously untrue. They are two very different people who happen to have similar features, that’s all.
10. Kylie Jenner Was Kim’s Surrogate
It would be unfair to talk about celebrity conspiracy theories and not mention the pregnancy of Kylie Jenner. This theory has been recently proven to be untrue since Jenner and Kardashian had their babies weeks apart from each other. Fans previously went wild with theories before she shared baby Stormi’s existence. Many believed she was pregnant and in fact the surrogate for Kim Kardashian. Kardashian announced she was having a third child via surrogate, due to complications with her previous pregnancies. However, fans quickly noticed Jenner’s stomach was MIA on social media and jumped to the conclusion that she was Kardadian’s surrogate. Surrogate moms also have to be pregnant with their own baby first, before carrying someone else’s.
Conspiracy theories about celebrities can be all fun and games, however I would like to just to remind everyone that these are all theories. I’m not saying any of them are true! In fact most of them have been debunked. It’s interesting to think about these concepts. I believe critical thinking is what drives mysteries to be solved and progress to be made. Some of these theories involve tragic deaths and it’s important not to take their deaths lightly. All respect to the families of anyone mentioned. Some fans handle grieving a little bit differently.