What to Consider Before Becoming a Nanny

So you think you want to be a nanny. Well, becoming a nanny is a complex job. Have you ever considered Why? My experience will help you decide if it’s the right job for you. Ultimately you have to like children to contemplate signing up for this type of work, but there is more to it than babysitting.
What I Assumed
I started with the notion that it would be easy and I could spend my summer at the beach relaxing. Little did I know, you have to really watch the children. You can’t take your eyes off the child, not even for a minute. Now I know that it is fun to go to the beach with kid in tow, but it is a completely new experience.
What I Realized
The day starts with prep work. What to take to the beach? What to be sure to have the child do, and what to say no to. Like the time little ‘Betty’ squeezed all the sunscreen on the floor in front of me, right before I was going to put it on her. She stood there quietly and then looked me right in the eyes as the tube emptied in front of me onto the floor. She said, “Don’t you want to roll around on the floor in it? I don’t want it on me, it’s sticky!”
Frustrating Aspects
I stared at her in disbelief and said, “No ‘Betty’, I don’t want to roll around in it on the floor and if you want to go to the beach it has to go on you.” These are the types of frustrating things you will have to deal with. ‘Betty’ did these things everyday to me. She lives in walking distance from the ocean, so one day we took a walk down by the shore. She started picking up sea creatures like snails, water worms, and crabs. I almost threw up when she placed them unexpectedly on my lap. She thought it was hilarious. Again, these are the types of things you have to deal with. I obviously don’t mind getting dirty, but she loved being devious!
It’s Exhausting
It certainly is great pay, but you are working hard every hour of the day. It is a very tiring job, you would think it would be easy, but it really isn’t that easy. Always remember some days are harder than other days. I remember the first week of my nanny job with ‘Betty’, I literally thought I signed up for hell. She was a monster to me, but as I got to know her it turned enjoyable even though it was tiring. Her family went on vacation one week, so I didn’t have her and I actually missed her. You become emotionally attached!
3 Things To Consider Before You Decide To Nanny
1. Do you really like kids?
2. Do you mind getting dirty?
3. Will you fully commit? (Some jobs it seems okay to call out “sick” , but you definitely can’t do that in a nanny job!)
What else should we consider before becoming a nanny? Comment below or share this article with a friend!
Featured Image Source: tiffytiff451., puttingmyfeetinthedirt.com
Lilly is a writer for the UNH Society19 chapter. She is currently studying Communication and pursuing a Business minor.