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10 Common Signs Of Mental Illnesses

10 Common Signs Of Mental Illnesses

10 Common Signs Of Mental Illnesses

In order to learn about specific mental illnesses researching the specific illness. However, these are common warning signs that your loved one may need to seek professional help through a mental health professional or a medical professional. It is important to pay special attention to sudden changes in behaviors, thoughts, and moods. Usually, an individual will have several symptoms versus just one warning sign. Make sure the warning signs are not due to substance abuse or another medical condition. By the age of fourteen fifty percent of mental illness warning signs begin to show themselves. By the age of twenty-four most young adults will have displayed warning signs and symptoms of mental illness.

1. Confused Thinking

One of the warning signs of mental illness is a person who seems confused or has problems with concentration. For example, if a person is talking about one subject and then in mid-sentence starts discussing a completely different topic, this could be a huge warning sign. Problems with logical thoughts and speech, which are hard to explain. Be on the lookout for memory issues also.

2. Appetite Changes

If you see a loved one eating much less or hardly at all then it is certainly a warning sign that could be associated with mental illness. Having an increased appetite or binge eating is certainly a warning sign to watch out for. On the other hand, if someone you love isn’t eating as much as they once were or they hardly eat at all this is a warning sign that could mean they have a mental illness.


3. Sleeping Habits

If you notice that one of your closest friends is sleeping too much this could be a mental illness warning sign. If your mother is having a hard time sleeping this could also be a warning sign of mental illness if it is in combination with other warning signs then it is best to get professional medical help.

4. Drug and Alcohol Abuse

The abuse of alcohol and drugs is a common warning sign for mental illness. This combined with other warning signs can make a person a danger to their self or others. Please seek the help of a mental health professional.

5. Thoughts of Suicide

If you or anyone you know talks about committing suicide, please make sure to take their warnings seriously because many times they are crying out for help and don’t understand what to do. If you or anyone you know is threatening to commit suicide please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline available 24 hours every day at 1-800-273-8255. The hotline has counselors available that can help.


6. Delusions or Hallucinations

If a person is having a difficult time perceiving reality and experiences and senses things that don’t exist in objective reality then this is definitely a warning sign of mental illness. It is important for this person to be examined by a medical professional in order to get the proper help.

7. Inability to Carry Out Daily Activities

If someone you care about has a difficult time getting simple daily activities done this could be a warning sign of mental illness. If someone is not able to handle daily stress and problems without having serious trouble then a medical professional should be sought out.

See Also
People don’t just stop existing. Although suicide may take away the presence of a human being, it doesn’t erase their history. The aftermath of suicide leaves loved ones picking up the pieces.


8. Concerns About Appearance

If you notice someone you love has an intense fear of weight gain or are really concerned about their appearance then this could be a mental illness such as anorexia. If you believe someone you love has a problem with their appearance or self-image, please seek the help of a medical professional.

9. Avoiding People

If you notice that someone you care about is no longer hanging out with their friends like they used to or avoiding their family then this is certainly a warning sign that could mean they have a mental illness. Please seek medical attention if you believe someone you care about is avoiding interaction with people they care about.

10. Changes in Sex Drive

If you notice your partner’s sex drive is not what it used to be, this could be a sign of mental illness. If you believe your partner’s change in his/her sexual drive has changed dramatically then seek a medical professional.


The warning signs for mental illness may seem simple but if combined with other signs there could definitely be a problem and the best thing to do is seek professional medical help. Do you know of other warning signs that could potentially mean a person has a mental illness? Were you aware of the warning signs listed? Have you seen these signs in someone you care about? Please like, comment, and share with all of your friends and family!

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