Categories: Entertainment

Comedy TikTokers You Need To Follow Today

Riding on the wave of YouTube and Vine, the funny and relatable content of comedy TikTokers is a must-have for any “For You” page. Not sure where to start looking for new comedic creators to follow? We’ve got you covered! Here’s our list of fifteen comedy TikTokers that you need to follow today to make your “For You” page hilarious all the time.

1. Bigtugg

Bigtugg, or Tucker, is one of the comedy TikTokers that’s a must-have for anyone with a dry sense of humor. His content is incredibly relatable as he lists off everything from English words that hurt to look at to animals that he wishes he could cuddle, but can’t. His delivery is simple and straightforward, and every one of his videos reminds you of the conversations you have with your friends late at night. I have introduced him to countless other TikTok users, and every single one of them has followed him afterward.

2. Dannyphantom.exe

This cute kitty is another of my favorite comedy TikTokers. Danny is a self-proclaimed “British Anime Boyfriend” and “Chat Noir” (brought about from his amazing Chat Noir cosplays), and he will not only make you laugh with his commentary on “bratty bottoms,” but will make you wish he WAS your British anime boyfriend. He also posts positive affirmations regularly, adding “wholesome” to his ever-increasing list of positive character traits.

3. Yoleendadong

No comedy TikTok list is complete without one of the queens of comedy TikTokers, Yoleenda Dong. Yoleenda’s content is incredibly funny and relatable, from talking about handling exes to procrastinating on work and leaving it for your future self to handle. She’s someone you’d definitely want to be friends with, and her videos will have you up until 3 am laughing and saying, “Oh my god, it’s me!”

4. Ivanantoniochacon

For anyone who likes dark, dry humor, Ivan is one of the best comedy TikTokers for you. This “sexiest man alive” mixes dark and relatable to create hilarious content that will make you think “wow, I shouldn’t laugh at this, but I totally am.” If you’ve ever heard the “wake up, I murdered your whole family” sound bite – that’s Ivan, and it’s definitely a funny video worth checking out!

5. Marcelllei

“Your life – Imma need that” is one of the most quotable TikTok catchphrases, and anyone looking for more comedy TikTokers needs to follow this absolute legend, Marcel. Marcel’s content is blunt and straightforward, and he says everything you’re thinking when you see some of the more ridiculous TikTok videos. His social commentary and sense of humor are worth checking out, and his beautiful eyes are worth staying for.

6. Jaxwritessongs

One of the best parody-making comedy TikTokers, Jax literally writes songs, creating hilarious versions to oldies and new hits alike. Her changed perspectives on popular songs are incredibly well done – you’ll start rethinking “Stacy’s Mom” when you hear Stacy’s Mom’s version. Plus, she’s also an amazing original songwriter, and her song “Bitchcraft” is an absolute bop.

7. Therealrahulrai

Another person who’s making a name for himself in the world of comedy TikTokers is Rahul Rai. You’ve definitely seen him a time or two as he portrays hilarious situations between himself and his future girlfriend. Not to mention, his more recent videos show off his amazing dance skills – a funny comedian, amazing dancer, and perfect boyfriend? Sign me up!

8. Semistupid

Another king of parody TikTok, this is one of the comedy TikTokers you won’t regret following! David is known for his “deleted movie scene” in which he inserts himself into movie scenes, recreating the plot and starting new conversations between the characters. A new way to make parodies, David’s videos are incredibly funny, and you can spend hours watching his remade clips from big-name movies like “Titanic” and the Marvel movies.

9. Calebwfrancis

If you’re looking for sometimes wholesome, always hilarious comedy TikTokers, Caleb Francis is your man. Caleb’s comedic delivery is sweet and soft-spoken, which makes it even funnier when he takes on more risque content. He’s also an avid gamer, an extra bonus for all my comedy and gaming TikTok enthusiasts.

10. Jordan_the_stallion8

One of the most relatable of the comedy TikTokers, Jordan’s bathroom mirror content focuses on stitching other videos and answering their questions, like how you know you’re getting old and what advice to know before going to college. He is also super recognizable for his quote “I don’t know you – and I don’t know if I want to.” For any of my gifted kid burnouts or people who generally don’t know what they’re doing in life, Jordan is the TikToker for you.

See Also

11. Soupytime

Wholesome alert! Georgie is one of the most wholesome comedy TikTokers in my opinion – she manages to be incredibly funny without being risque or offensive (a tactic that many comedians can latch on to). She’s a big fan of crystals, tarot, and frogs, so all my artsy, whimsical ladies can completely relate to her. She also does a lot of character outfit inspiration videos, which are always a big plus for me.

12. Davidyrodriguez

“That French Guy” is a must for anyone looking for hilarious comedy TikTokers to follow. I don’t know what it is about someone laughing at their own jokes that so funny, but his content is just that hilarious. He also gives amazing advice, and discusses his mental health problems in a way that is simultaneously funny and relatable (especially for anyone who, like me, copes with humor). He also absolutely calls out f-boy TikTok videos for their ridiculousness, which will have you literally rolling on the floor laughing.

13. Ghosthoney

Another wholesome content creator, Tyler is a comedy TikToker who draws you in with his soft voice and smooth delivery and keeps you with his conversations with the ghosts in his house and his ideas on a Peppa Pig teen drama (yes, we need it). Tyler’s videos are somehow both relaxing and hilarious, and I know I’ve sent at least 20 to all my friends because they are just that good.

14. Kallmekris

One of the almighty queens of comedy TikTokers everywhere, Kris is well known for her character stories, from toddler Riley to her mom Janet to all their crazy and whimsical friends. Her 28.1 million followers speak for themselves, and her content is worth adding to your “For You” page. She definitely shows up for you all the time, so just go ahead and binge her videos for the next three hours. Go on.

15. Davismcintire

One of my all-time favorite comedy TikTokers, Davis and his hilarious portrayals of southern women are my go-to when introducing anyone to the comedy side of TikTok. For anyone who grew up in the south, you’ll watch his characterizations of southern moms, receptionists, and church ladies and think “yeah, that’s exactly right.” Come for Dixie Jewell, stay for Edwina and all the rest. Trust me, his southern ladies will have you crying with laughter.

Know of more comedy TikTokers that deserve more follows? Tell us in the comments!

Featured image source:
Draven Jackson

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