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How To Make The Most Out Of Your College Summer Internships

How To Make The Most Out Of Your College Summer Internships

Starting your first college summer internships can be slightly terrifying, follow these tips to make sure you succeed and overcome that fear!

Your first venture into the professional world carries a lot of weight. Whether you’re looking to make a name for yourself in a certain field, discern your best professional fit, or even just have resume-boosting, somewhat-paid experience, your first internship is brand new terrain. Here are just a few ways to rock your first stint as a working woman with college summer internships!

Offer Help

If a boss or co-worker looks like she’s drowning in work, offer your services. Even if she rejects it, offering help gives you a good immediate reputation and shows that you’ve showed up ready to work. Put effort into every task you’re assigned, and you’ll only amplify your public perception.

Take Direction

Listen to your boss and those around you — they know what they’re doing better than you do. Take their advice politely, even if you’re annoyed with it. It will benefit you to keep a classy smile, even when you’re stressed. Everyone around you has felt the same at some point, and believe it or not, they want to see you succeed.  


Be Timely

Get in your work on time, show up in time to clock in, and stay extra if need be. When something is as serious as an internship, you need to be respectful of people’s working time. They don’t need to be paying you, or even letting you into the office sanctuary. Show your gratitude by paying attention to time.

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Dress For It!

Dress for the job you want, they say. Nothing is more true in an internship setting. If you show up looking like a kid, you’ll be treated as one. Arrive in classic, elegant, professional style, and you’ll be treated like a young professional. Of course, pay attention to the workplace environment — if everyone shows up at 8 a.m. in shorts and T-shirts, consult with your supervisor to see what the appropriate attire would be, and stick to it. For college summer internships, you need to remember to dress the part!


Be Courteous And Polite

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, just be nice. Nothing is worse than a rude co-worker, and you don’t’ want to be that girl. Even if your fellow employees are nasty, unhappy men and women, treat them well. Kindness goes a long way, personally and professionally, so be sure to put your best foot forward. Remember, even if you’re unpaid, twice-a-week summer “job” seems like a joke, it can go a long way. You never know what employers may remember from your stay, and if it’s positive, it could open up some real career possibilities in the future.

What advice are you going to take for college summer internships? Let us know in the comments below.

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