Categories: College Life

College Move In Day: Everything You Need

With college move in day around the corner, you’re going to want to start preparing as early as possible. While move in day may seem like a piece of cake, there are a handful of steps you’re going to want to take to make your transition quick and easy. Here are some tips to keep in mind for college move in day.

Communicate With Your Roommate Beforehand

Before shopping for decor and purchasing necessities, be sure to communicate with your roommate(s) beforehand. Believe it or not, dorm rooms aren’t the most spacious of living quarters. Depending on the college, you could have three people being shoved inside a room the size of a double. Due to this, you’ll want to communicate with your roommate(s) about who’s bringing what. When it comes to TVs, refrigerators, and microwaves, it will save you the extra space if you and your roommate(s) agree on who will bring what. In addition to this, you’ll want to communicate when you’ll be arriving. Nothing says uncomfortable like having two families trying to maneuver around one another. By discussing these details beforehand, your college move in day will go smoothly.

Organization Is Key

Surprisingly enough, there are always a handful of college students who will come to college move in day completely unprepared. If you’re relying on storage bins to keep yourself organized, be sure to label each bin with your name and room number. This will be especially helpful if you’re receiving some extra moving help from RAs or other students on campus. Storage containers are super convenient for move in day because they keep everything secured and in one spot. Once you’ve unpacked your storage bins, you can stack them inside one another then slide them under your bed. Another nifty trick you can use is sliding a garbage bag over your clothes that will be hung up with hangers. Rather than having to hang each shirt or garment individually, slide the trash bag off and place your already hung clothes in your closet. With these organization hacks, you’ll be unpacked in no time.

Dress Appropriately

Although it may not seem like it, college move in day will be a workout in itself. It would be in your best interest to wear casual clothing and comfortable shoes. Not only will you be hauling bags and boxes up and down flights of stairs, but you’ll be getting in your steps around campus. Whether it’s 90 degrees out or downpouring rain, you’re going to want to be dressed appropriately. Once you’ve unloaded and unpacked, there will be plenty of time to throw on so makeup and a cute outfit. Until then, save yourself the trouble and settle on a pair of sneakers and a t-shirt.

See Also

Access A Map Of Campus

In order to access your building and dorm room, you’re going to be required to check in on campus. Typically, when checking in, you’ll be given your dorm key, your ID, and a map of campus. From there, you should be able to access your dorm room and start unpacking your car. It’s important to communicate with the moving staff in order to make the transition as smooth as possible. More often than not, campus police and other staff will direct students and their families to where they need to go. Rather than running around with your head chopped off, take advantage of the resources that are being offered.

Exchange Information

When meeting your college roommate(s) and their family, be sure to exchange contact information. If there’s ever an emergency, you somehow manage to break your phone, or your family is unable to reach you, you’ll be happy to have that extra line of communication. You can never be too prepared.

College move in day can be extremely overwhelming. In order to stay organized, be sure to follow the tips above. Let us know your favorite tips in the comments below!

Featured Image Source:
Irish Noel

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