College Life

17 Selfies Gone Wrong

Everyone is guilty of taking a selfie. And sometimes, they don’t come out as good…

How to Brighten a Drab Dorm Room

When I walked into my dorm room for the first time my freshman year of…

Dorm Decorating Ideas

Decorating your dorm room is probably the most exciting part about venturing off to college.…

Nothing but the essentials; Items to improve dorm living

Dorm rooms are small in the first place and they feel even smaller and crowded…

How to Stay in Shape over Summer

Finally, summer is here. Many hours spent studying in the library and attending class are…

13 Undeniable Signs You’re Drunk

We know everyone loves a good drink, but how do you know you’ve crossed the…

10 Things to Do the Summer Before College

The summer before you venture off to college is unlike any other summer you will…

Dorm Decorating Basics Every College Student Needs To Know!

Your dorm room is a reflection of yourself, so how you choose to decorate is…

Pros and Cons of Taking a Gap Year

Typically, the term “gap year” is a period of “break” time between high school and…

How to Deal with a Mental Illness in College

College isn’t always the easiest time for many students. It’s not only the transition away…