College Life

8 Organization Hacks For Your Small Dorm Room

When it comes to college living, most students are staying in dorms that don’t offer…

Picking the Right Laptop for College (Mac vs PC vs Tablet)

In this day and age, any PC, Mac, or tablet will be good enough to…

Getting Along Without a Car in College

Having a car in college has its pros and cons. It gives you more freedom…

Get a Student Credit Card (And Still Stick to Your Budget!)

Having a credit card when your in college is really handy. You can always use…

Decorate Your Room with AllPosters

Your room can be a reflection of who you are. The pictures or posters on…

Studentrate Trends Facebook Page

Studentrate Trends now has it’s own Facebook page! Like our page to join in the…

Studentrate on Polyvore

Studentrate is now on Polyvore! Polyvore is a social commerce site that is powered by…

Save On Your Wireless Bill

Picking a wireless plan can be pretty difficult, especially when it starts to get all…

Internship Wear Dos and Don’ts

What you wear to an internship is very important because it’s how you are representing…

10 Ways To Stay Focused While Studying

While in college, staying focused while studying can seem nearly impossible. With so many tasks…