College Life

How to Cope If You Bombed Your Finals

With finals just around the corner and cramming underway, if you’re anything like me, you’re…

10 Signs You’re a Psychology Major

Before I started college, I had heard about college students who had changed their major…

What To Do If You Hate Your Boyfriend’s Friends

Your boyfriend is great. You guys have the storybook relationship you dreamed about since you…

5 Tricks to Cure Your Hangover

Everyone is on the search for a hangover cure; from drinks made with raw egg to…

10 Signs You’re an Agriculture Major

Let’s be honest, having a major in agriculture is not that common, with very few…

Getting Rejected from My Dream School: A Personal Story

It was March 31st, the day that my potential college’s decisions were to be released. I sat…

My Experience with Bullying

For me, it was middle school. For others, it’s high school or college. What exactly…

Apply to Become a Campus Blogger!

SOCIETY19 is seeking motivated and creative students to join our marketing team and increase our…

If you are sick and tired of the decor in your room, check out the the simple and super cute ways to give your dorm walls an upgrade!
12 Ways to Give Your Dorm Walls an Upgrade

After endless hours in your dorm room, you may be sick of the bland walls…

10 Ways to De-stress During Finals Week

Caffeine, caffeine, and more caffeine, will be the staple beverage for college students in these…