College Life

9 Tips For Your First Time Without A Meal Plan

Going from having several already prepared options in the dining hall, to a fridge full…

20 Things All High School Athletes Turned College NARPs Understand

There’s nothing quite like abandoning a sport you’ve played your entire life. This feeling; this…

10 Things I Will Miss Most About Meredith College Over the Summer

With my freshman year approaching its end, it’s hard to believe I’ve been at Meredith…

10 Tips to Make Life Easier at California Baptist University
10 Tips to Make Life Easier at California Baptist University

Life at California Baptist University took some getting used to for me…I felt weird being…

7 Things to Love About Texas Tech University

There are many things to love at Texas Tech University, but here are 7 to name…

10 Things I Would Change about St. Bonaventure University

If I could change these 10 things about St. Bonaventure University I would. Keep reading…

10 Things Freshman Year Taught Me

1. Clean out your fridge. If you’re like me, you will end up keeping a…

10 Stages of Registering for Classes at Fredonia State University

Now you might think that registering for classes is a breeze, oh how wrong you…

10 Popular Drugs and How Long They Stay In Your System

Here I present the top ten (in my opinion) most popular drugs used by college…

32 Signs You Go To School In New York

Keep reading for 32 signs you go to school in New York! 1. One of…